|Chapter 25 • That they would!|

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A/n: The photo above is my own i took that yesterday i thought it looks cute!

A/n: The photo above is my own i took that yesterday i thought it looks cute!

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

Me and Billy spent the whole day relaxing under the sun, swimming together in the lake we may have had a small water fight but who cares it was only us here no-one was going to see us, eating we literally ate the whole pinic at one point billy had to go back home alone to get more food which made us both laugh and we did other activities that ended up with us breaking a couple trees in half we just couldn't keep our hands off each other.

I am sat on Billys lap next to the lake as we watch the sun set 10 minutes later Billy tells me we have to go before ot gets dark so we both pack everything up which didn't take long then i jumped on the quad and Billy gets on infront of me i wrap my arms around his waist then he drove us home i didn't want to leave the lake but at the same time i did because i miss Jacob and Macie so much the ride home didn't take long at all when we got home Billy parked up the quad and turned it off i kissed his cheek then jumped off the quad and ran inside eager to see Jacob and Macie but when i get inside i froze in awe at what i see there is a blanket fort in the livingroom with Jacob and Macie sleeping inside it both snoring while holding onto each other i hear Billy walk in behind him he wraps his arms around my waist and rest his chin on my shoulder.

"Love should we leave them or put them to bed?" He asked in awe

"I want to leave them they look cute cuddling up together but i also want them to sleep in a comfortable bed not on a hard floor" I said unsure on what to do

"How about i pick them both up at the same time and put them both in Jacob's for the night they can have a sleepover" He said thoughtfully

"They would both love waking up together you know they have a close bond Jacob is going to be one protective brother" I said amused

"That reminds me i want to tell Rachel and Rebecca about us and Macie if that's okay with you" He said nervously

"Of course that's okay with me they are your daughter's they should know that you have moved on and they have a step sister" I said with a small smile

"I will ring them tomorrow, I know Rebecca won't have anything to say me and her have a strained relationship but Rachel will want to come and meet you" He said sadly yet happily at the same time

"Time will fix everything between you and Rebecca you just have to work on it and if Rachel wants to meet me then i don't mind at all" I said with a big smile

"Your right as always, Right time to move the kids you sit on the couch while i move them to Jacob's room" He said the kissed me quickly yet passionately

I do as he said i go to the couch making sire not to make to much noise then i sit down Billy walks over and picks Jacob up who senses being picked up and holds Macie tighter to his chest i hear Billy chuckle at them as he holds Jacob securely in his arms while Macie whines and clings onto Jacob tightly i watch as Billy walks off towards Jacob's room them three are literally my world now they are the reason i smile now and why i am happy again they have brought me out of the darkness and back into the light.

"What is going on in the pretty head of yours love?" Billy said next to me snapping ne out my thoughts

"Just how lucky i am to have you, Jacob and Macie is my life you three are my world now, You three are why i smile now and why i smile everyday you guys brought me out the darkness and back into the light" I tell him my thoughts

"No we are lucky to have you, you are an amazing imprint, girlfriend, mother and Alpha we will always love you, I will always love you Mackenzie" He said with a big smile

"I love all three of you so much i don't know what i would do with you three" I said with tears in my eyes

"Oh love don't cry" He said worriedly

"They are happy tears you fool" I said with a giggle

"Well if they happy tears then this will probably make you cry more" He said pulling a gift from behind him it's a box with a silver bow on top.

He places the box in my hands i slowly take the bow off and open the box i gasp at what is inside there are three chain bracelets all three have love hearts in the middle with a B for Billy, J for Jacob and the final one had a M for Macie i put the box in my lap and look at Billt with tears in my eyes he smiles and kisses me passionately then places his forehead against mine.

"I wanted you to always have apart of us with you so the bracelets with our initials is perfect for that" He said with a smile

"They're beautiful" I said with a smile

"How about we go to bed because i know our kids are going to wake us up early" He said amused at the thought

"That they would" I said with a small laugh


-This is what the bracelets look like-

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-This is what the bracelets look like-

-This is what the bracelets look like-

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