|Chapter 6 • None of your concern|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

After a short drive in one of Jacob's project trucks we make it to a clearing i finally loosen my hold on Macie i look at her and Billy one more time with worry if it turns into a fight i will hand Macie to Billy and get ready to protect them with my life i snap out my thoughts when Jacob turned the engine off i hand him Macie then get out grabbing Macies changing bag as i do i go to help Billy out and help him into his wheelchair but i am beat to it by Sam with the glare i gave him made him step back with a gulp i know he said he was going to meet us there i didn't know he was going to be looking after him when that is my job as Billy is mine and my wolfs imprint

"Looking after Billy is our job he is our imprint!" Flur growled in my mind

"I know flur i will have words later let's just worry about the vamps first" I growled back at her in my head god our connection is werid but awesome at the same time

I go over to Billy and put the changing back on the handles then start to push him long the bump forest ground while following Sam and the rest of the pack i am yet to meet properly as we go along a small path i suddenly smelt the sickly sweet smell i am all to familiar with one of my hands tighten the grip on the wheelchair while i use my other hand to pull Jacob who is still holding Macie closer to me so he is basically stuck to my side he smiles at me and mouths 'it will be okay' I need all three of them closer to me so they are safe when we step out into a bigger opening i see five vampire's i let out a loud growl instantly Jacob wraps his arm around my shoulders and pushes my head in his neck while softly telling me that he, his dad and Macie are safe i start taking in his scent it calmed Flur down instantly as Jacob, Billy and Macie's scent are the only scents that will calm her down plus Flur and me see him as a son so we both calm down not wanting to risk wolfing out and hurting him or Macie.

"Hello Sam, Billy, Everyone" Leader leech said who must be Carlisle thank god Billy told me their names and what they looked like he looked at everyone but then his eyes stopped on me

"And you are?" The leader leech asked curiously

"None of your concern" I said coldly pulling away from Jacob and standing infront of him and Billy ready to protect them at all cost

"Why did you call us here, come on spit it out" Sam said making me nod my head as a thank you for changing the subject he nods back with a smile

"We just wanted to check that know we are back that the treaty is the same as it was before we left" Esme said with a warm smile

"Yes the treaty is the same but i have something to add" Sam said making me raise an eyebrow at him

"What would that be?" Carlisle asked curiously again

"We don't want you demanding for Billy to be at these meetings it's between my pack and you not Billy" Sam said coldly i definitely scared his ass earlier if he is adding this to the treaty

"If we want someone else to be here?" Rosalie asked tilting her head

"I may have someone in mind" Sam said looking over at me

"I will come to the meeting but i will not promise to be on my best behaviour your kind have done enough to me as it is" I said nodding at Sam who smiles at me

They started talking about other stuff but i tuned it out watching the vampire's every move i did not relax once if they make one move towards me i will snap suddenly i hear Macie start to fuss behind me which makes the vampire's look at me i can see them trying to look at her which makes me snarl at them they look at me with wide eyes and even take a step back which makes me smile as i smell their fear

"Jacob in the front pocket of the changing back there's a bottle of milk can you or Billy feed her please" I asked not taking my eyes of the vampire's infront of me i hear movement then sucking sounds

"Who's baby is that?" Rosalie asked with longing shining in her eyes as she steps forward a couple times getting dangerously close to crossing the treaty line

"Mine!" I snarl as i feel my eyes burn as they change to a red colour making her step back

"Why are your eyes red?" Jasper said speaking for the first time

"That's none of your concern" Jacob snarls behind me

"It's pack business nothing to do with your bloodsucking asses!" Paul snarled

"It is our business when the baby could be in danger because of you mutts!!" Rosalie yelled eyes filled with fury

"Shit dad!" Jacob said worriedly as he backed away slightly

I let out a growl as i start to shake the more they try to look at Macie i feel Billy pull me backwards making me land on his lap again i tried to get up not wanting to hurt him but he pushed my head into his neck whispering me to breath in his scent and that's what i do.

"You just made the biggest mistake you could ever make! That baby is in the safest place being in her mother's care because her mother has kept her safe from your kind! You have no idea what you have done" Billy said his voice full of anger as he rubs his hand up and down my back

"Jacob!" I whimper into Billy's neck

"She is okay enzie she is fast asleep" He said softly

"This meeting is over!" Sam snarled

Billy holds me tight to him as his wheelchair starts to move i could here the Cullen family shouting for us to stop that they won't talking about my daughter or me again but we kept moving they better hope the next time i see them i don't rip them apart and burn them to pieces after what they just said



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