|Chapter 32 • Triplets!?|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

I cuddle into Billy enjoying the way he is comforting me while we wait for Sue to arrive Macie is still in her room playing tea parties with the girls i am so scared he will leave me for getting pregnant so early into our relationship Flur is howling in joy making my head ache but i can't find it in myself to tell her to shut up. Billy said himself that this didn't happen to soon that this is the normal speed for us shape-shifter's our wolves would take over at somepoint to have their fun to have make a pup. My heart aches at the thought of having another baby it's a happy ache but also a fear ache it's the fear of the baby being in danger just like Macie was i can't loose Billy or any of our kids i can't go through that pain again i know i have the pack and maybe even the cullen coven but the fear is still eating me alive i am brought out my thoughts when Jacob walks in with someone behind him it must be Sue they are both holding medical equipment

"Hello Mackenzie i am Sue Clearwater a friend of Billy's, the mother of Seth and Leah and a tribal council member" She said politely hinting that she knows about us being shape-shifter's which makes this 10 times easier

"Hello ma'am nice to meet you" I said back respectfully causing her to smile

"So Jacob tells me that you are pregnant and they all want me to give you a check up and ultrasound to make sure everything is okay with you and the baby due to you fighting yesterday?" She asks wanting me to confirm what was said

"Yes that's correct there wasn't much fighting though i was just pinned to the wall by my neck for a couple minutes" I said wanting to tell her i was not physically fighting

"That information makes this alot easier, Billy you need to get up and Mackenzie can you lay down on the couch and lower the hem of you pants a little?" She said and asked

Me and Billy did everything she asked while she got the ultrasound machine ready after a couple minutes she comes over and puts some cold gel on my stomach which caused me to let out a sigh in relief i love feeling the cold against my unnatural high body temperature when she started moving the wand on my stomach her face morphed into shock Jacob goes to her and his face does the same when she looks at the screen i wanted to see what was on the screen so badly but the screen is facing then so me and Billy couldn't see anything except from Sue and Jacob's reaction and seeing that made me panic.

"What's wrong is out baby okay?" Billy asked sensing my inner panic

"Babies dad babies and they are okay perfectly okay" Jacob said while keeping his eyes on the screen

"Oh thank god- wait did you just way babies as in more then one!" I said with wide eyes

"Babies!?" Billy asked shocked

"Yes triplets, you guys are having triplets and as Jacob said they are perfectly well the events from yesterday didn't effect them one bit" Sie said with a big smile

"Oh my goodness triplets!" I say in shock

"Oh my" Billy said as he sat down on the floor

"Three siblings, we are going to have three siblings!" Jacob yelled which resulted in multiple bangs and squeals from Macies bedroom seconds later the girls come running into the livingroom with tears running down their faces while Macie just stands there looking confused with her head tilted to the side

"Your having triplets?" Rachel asked between sobs

"Yes i am having triplets" I said still in shock

"What's triplets?" Macie asked innocently

"Mummy has three babies growing in her tummy come and have a look princess" Jacob said opening his arms she runs and jumps into his arms he points to the screen three times showing her the babies we still haven't seen yet

"Wow mummy you have three babies in there" Macie said looking at me wide eyed as she points to my stomach

"Yes i do but mummy hasn't seen them yet" I said pouting like a child

"Jakey turn it wround let mummy see!" Macie tells Jacob while crossing her arms

He apologies and turns the screen around Sue moves the wand around again i just watch the screen with tears in my eyes in the corner of my eye i see Billy crying while watching the screen no-one said anything we all just watched the screen in awe

"The pregnancy will be quicker then the normal shape-shifter pregnancy due to you being the queen so the triplets will be born in four months, you need to rest as much as you can, take vitamins, eat as much as you want and get as much sleep as you can" Sue said as she printed a couple scan photos off then removed the wand from my stomach making us all snap our heads towards her

"Rest, vitamins, eat and sleep got it" Billy said nodding his head

"And i will be the first to say congratulations you both deserve this and more" Sue said as she handed Billy the scan photos then she packed everything away which didn't take long then she left

Suddenly i am engulfed in a group hug as everyone cried tears of joy.



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