|Chapter 24 • Queen of the shape-shifter's|

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A few hours after the confrontation!

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A few hours after the confrontation!

|Carlisle's Pov|

I slump down into my office chair still in shock i have heard the story about the alpha of all alpha's saving Caius, Marcus and Aro's life when they were being attacked by werewolves but i had no idea it was Mackenzie no-one has seen what she looked like or anything when she made an appearance she would wear a cape with the hood up but now me and my family now exactly what she looks like thanks to our stupidity how in the world did i not realise sooner i could feel the raw power coming of her in waves i would have known now because of mine and the family stupidity she is now an enemy and worse we involved the volturi to kill her and take her child!

I want to make things right but how in the world do i do that when i have the feeling our kind is not welcome near her unless she trusts us i could feel the hurt, betrayal and broken trust coming off her every time we met at the treaty line our kind must have done something unpleasant for her to feel those things about our kind and what me and my family did is not helping anything infact we made it worse!

|Esme's Pov|

I vamp speed into the kicthen and start cooking even though none if us eat i need to cook to get my mind off what our family has done we have now got the queen of the shape-shifter's as an enemy all because we let Bella get into our heads we should have listened to Rosalie when she told us she had a bad feeling about all of this but ad normal we ignored her thinking she was just being cold heart but in reality she was right yet again! I will never forgive myself for trying to get Mackenzie killed or trying to get her daughter taken from her! No mother should have their child taken away and i was just about to take her child away i need to apologise but how in the world can i do thay when we can get nowhere near la push!

We haven't just messed up with Mackenzie the whole family has messed things up for Charlie he has just lost his daughter and he hates us because what we are and what we have done to Mackenzie and Billy! How are we going to make things right so Edward can get his happiness and how can we get Charlie, Mackenzie and Billy to forgive us for our stupidity

|Emmett's Pov|

I lay down on the bed in mine and Rosalie's room and look up at the ceiling in shock the badass women that put us all in our place is the queen of the shape-shifter's the way he held Bella in the air by her throat was so badass if we didn't mess everything up i would have loved to be her friend i know fir certain Rosalie would have loved to be her friend too they would have gotten along do well they are both badass women well my Rosalie is a sexy badass no-one can be as badass as her in my eyes.

I am furious that we all let Bella manipulation us all like that she got into your heads and made Mackenzie out to be the bad guy even though she isn't like that at all i can tell she is only doing everything she can to protect her daughter, the pack and the land she is one fierce protector if she wants to forgive us then i will never step on foot out of line again but i really want to apologise.

I want to apologise so bad but how?

|Rosalie's Pov|

I go straight to the garage and start working on my new project as i get lost in my thoughts i told them all at the start that letting Bella into our lives would cause nothing but trouble but they didn't listen i didn't want any of this to happen but it did i could have made a friend my first ever friend if it wasn't for that bitch Bella but now we have all pissed off the queen of the shape-shifter's and the alpha of all alpha's because they didn't listen to me and they are not the only ones to blame for this i am too i wanted to take her baby, child, daughter away she will never forgive me and my family and to be honest i don't blame her because if that was me i wouldn't forgive us either we are going to have to do something big for her to even think about forgiving us

And if she asks me to get down on my knees to forgive her then i will become i know i was in the wrong!

|Jasper's Pov|

I sit in the livingroom and just stare out the window letting everything sink in i am the only one in the family that didn't say or do anything to anger Mackenzie me and Major could feel the power coming of her in waves and we both didn't want to get on her bad side the ground literally made the forest shake she is more powerful then any of us will ever be, more then me and Major will ever be! I think Rosalie and Esme are upset and disappointed with themselves they were going to take away someone's child because Bella got into their heads they could have ruined Mackenzie's life and her daughters life over something they didn't know and didn't have the right to do.

I know all Mackenzie needs now is time to calm down and relax if she forgives us or not is up to her.

|Alice's Pov|

I go out onto the balcony and sit on the floor Why didn't i see any of this on my visions i feel so bad about everything we have done and said to Mackenzie if only i some sort of vision i could have told my family and got rid of Bella she is the reason we now have Mackenzie as a enemy it's all my fault if i didn't push my family to be friend with Bella none of this would have happened i need to fix everything with my family then try to fix things with the pack, Billy, Charlie and Mackenzie i know my family can't keeping coming here if we are enemies with Mackenzie i know all of my family want her forgiveness but me i just want to apologise i now she won't forgive us and i am okay with that we have said and done so many things that is unforgivable.

I just want her to now that i am sorry for everything that happened and that i won't let my family do something like that again i will lay my life on the line to make sure my do not do anything like that again Mackenzie is royalty and should be treated with upmost respect and she will from now on!

|Edward's Pov|

I didn't go home with the rest of my family i want to make things right but before i apologise to Mackenzie and the pack i want to go to charlie and tell him about Bella and him being my mate so i ran straight to the Swan residence wanting to tell Charlie about Bella and about him being my mate but i ended up standing in the tree line across the the house looking at him through the window he is sat infront of tv with a beer in his hand i couldn't help but think he looks handsome i know that as soon as i knock on his door and tell him everything he is either going to reject me or accept me and that scares me but i will respect whatever he decides i take a unnecessary deep breath then walk at human pace to the front door and knock the front door opens almost straight away.

"What do you want? Where is Bella?" He asked coldly

"May i come in? I need to talk to you it's important" I asked and said

He opens the door wide and nods his head i go inside and take a seat in the livingroom and wait for him to join me i pry to whatever god is listening that i don't get shot or beaten with his metal bat after this



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