- Bonus Chapter: Edward tell's Charlie -

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- Charlie's Pov -

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- Charlie's Pov -

I just got back home from another long day at work only to find the house completely silent with Bella nowhere in sight which is something i was expecting since Billy rang me and told me that she was killed by the vampire king because she tried to have Mackenzie killed and Macie be raised my Esme. I asked her to stop harassing Mackenzie but no for some reason she decided to carry on and cross one to many lines in the process which has now got her killed which i couldn't do anything to prevent seeing as i'm a human that's not ment to know about the vampire's existence.

Billy told me that Bella wasn't Edward's mate and that's when i told him everything i felt when i saw them together or hear people talking about then because as wrong as it may be i have always found Edward handsome and i have wanted to date him since i saw him in town. It shocked Billy when he heard that but he didn't judge me he just told me that it sounds like a mate bond and that i should give Edward a chance to make things right before we both trie to take it futher which shocked me because i always thought Edward was straight not bisexual or gay like me.

I shake those thoughts away and take my police overshirt off and roll the sleeves of my white button up shirt to just below my elbow then pour myself a much needed cup of coffee because work has just been stressful thanks to all the none stop paperwork. Suddenly there's a knock on the door and walk out the kitchen then i swing the front door open only to see Edward stood there alone looking nervous. I put my cold and emotionless mask on not wanting him to see the desire i have for him in my eyes because he will never want to be mine thanks to me being to old for him and like Renèe said i'm to ugly for anyone to want me so why would Edward want me.

"What do you want? Where is Bella?" I ask coldly even though i already know she's dead

"May i come in? I need to talk to you and it's important" He asked and said rather nervously

I open the door wider without saying anything and nod my head signaling him to come inside which he does and he goes straight to the livingroom where he sits down looking more nervous then he did at the door. I close the door and walk into the livingroom then sit in my recliner which doesn't catch Edward's attention so i start to drink the rest of my coffee while i wait for him to notice that i'm here. After about ten minutes he finally sees that i'm sat here waiting for him to tell me what's so important that he had to come inside to tell me instead of just telling me on the door step.

"Before you tell me about Bella just know that Billy has already told me but thank you for coming her to tell me" I said softly letting my mask fall

"Then why did you ask where she was?" He asked looking at me in shock

"Because i wanted to know if you would tell me the truth or lie to my face and it would seem you came here to tell me the truth but Billy beat you to it" I said with a small smile

"I came here to tell you something else actually" He said nervously

"That im your mate? Yeah well i told Billy how i felt about you and he said that could he a mate bond and by judging the look know you face i take it he was right" I said the chuckle at Edward's wide eyed, full of shock face

"Y-Yes he is right, i'm sorry for everything that i have done but i would like to put everything behind us and get to know each other better then when we are ready we can move to the next step becoming boyfriend's" He said nervously

"I agree with you about putting our past behind us and i wouldn't mind getting to know you but i want this to move at my pace because i don't want to rush into anything which will create problems" I said resting my elbows on my knees

"I understand that Charlie and to prove how sorry i am for everything i will have Carlisle get Bella ready for her funeral" He said softly

"Thank you for that Edward, she may have been trouble, broke a few supernatural laws and crossed so many lines but she is still my daughter who i loved alot" I said sadly

"I understand Charlie so there's no need to say thank you" He said looking me dead in the eye

"Start a new?" I said hopefully

"Start a new" He said with a smile

I couldn't help but smile because i thought he wouldn't want to be with me but this moment proves my thoughts wrong and i can't wait to see what the future holds for me and him. I know that future will hold alot of eyebrows about the age difference but everyone involved in the supernatural world will understand everything that is happening when they see us and if humans have a problem then they can just mind their own god damn business because my happiness comes first


A/n: Musicluvs1226 Here's your bonus chapter luv!❤️

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A/n: Musicluvs1226 Here's your bonus chapter luv!❤️

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