|Chapter 18 • The Phone Call|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

I did ring Sam i didn't tell him anything over the phone all did was ask him to gather everyone up and come to Billy's he didn't even ask why he just did what i asked without asking one question not even 20 minutes later the whole pack was sat around Billy's livingroom i didn't know how to start this conversation i don't like that the whole pack, My pack might be in danger and worse of all i don't know what this danger is Billy starts telling them about Flur being on edge about something coming and that we need to be ready while i am just sat here frozen with Jacob beside me who is holding Macie close to his chest while she is still sleeping.

"Mackenzie do you trust Flur's instincts do you think something is coming" Leah asked making everyone turn to me which snaps me out my frozen state i am their alpha i need to get my head in the game!

"Flur has never been wrong so why would she be now when she knows the whole of la push, our pack, family and kids might be in danger she is giving us a pre warning so we can protect ourselves, I trust her instincts a hundred percent" I said truthfully

"Then what's the plan alpha?" Sam asked smirking

"The plan is for me to ring the volturi they need to know i am back here because i have this nagging feeling they will be involved in this somehow once i have rang them we will talk about patrols and training we all need to be at our best so more training and tighter patrols to keep everyone in la push safe till we know what we are up against" I said wanting nothing more then to do anything to keep them all safe

"While you ring these volturi people i will write down a patrol schedule" Sam said grabbing a notebook and pen

"Make sure there's two people sharing a shift no-one patrols alone" I said sternly

"No problem" He said as he starts writing

I grab my phone and go straight to the contacts i stare at the phone number i haven't called since forever i know as soon as i ring this number everyone is going to know what i did and that the volturi Kings are scared of me hell everyone in the volturi coven are scared of me but they all respect me as well i take a deep breath as i press the number and put my phone to my ear he answers on the third ring

"Ciao Mrs. Blade how long has it been since you have called me?" He said his bell like voice ringing in my ears

"It has been to long Cauis alot has changed over the years right now i need your guys help" I said getting right to the point making the pack look at me in shock

"What happened? Who hurt you? Who do i need to gut like a fish!" He snarls theought the phone the pack growl at his reaction

"I have moved back to la push after some unfortunate events and Flur has given me a pre warning something is going to happen she also said that my pack and I need to be ready but i personally have a feeling someone will try to involve you guys i want to make sure our alliance still stands?" I said and asked coldly the pack look at me shocked hearing my tone while Caius chuckles down the phone

"Of cause it still stands you saved mine and my brothers lives we will always have an alliance with you and now that you mentioned moving to la push that feeling you had is a hundred percent correct Aro has just finished on the phone with Carlisle they are referring to you as a wild uncontrolled monster who has kidnapped a baby they want us to go to forks to kill you and give them permission to raise the baby they didn't say your name but from what you said i know they are talking about you how stupid can they be" He said angry and slightly amused by they stupidity

"Those fucking pathetic excuses of vampire's tell Aro to come to forks to hear what they have to say he also needs to text me the place the meeting will be held and we will meet you there but when we do get there act like you don't know me i am going to make them motherfuckers pay for crossing me!" I snarl down the phone in pure rage

"Yes right away Mrs. Blade i will inform you of any further details we will be on your side through everything i am so sorry for what our kind did to you we will put this right" Marcus suddenly said down the phone hearing his voice calmed me a tad the only person who can calm me all the way is Billy

"Nothing will put it right! Just make sure you inform me about everything and stick to what i said i have to go now and prepare my pack, Keep safe boys i can not always save your old glittery asses" I said coldly then i hang up not waiting for a reply

I put my phone down and look down while taking a couple deeps breaths pushing my anger away the pack needs me to be calm right now i can not let the anger control me i look up and see everyone looking at me with mixed emotions shock, pride, respect and trust i see Sam has finished with the patrol schedule so with that out the way it's time for me to train them all to make them stronger and faster so they can look after themselves if a fight does happen because if any of them gets hurt i know i will loose control of Flur and that will not be a pretty sight.

"Right guy's now that's done it's time for training everyone single one of you will be training except Macie of course" I said in my alpha tone

"Yes alpha" They all said except Billy and Jacob

"First i want you all to run 20 laps in human form then another 20 laps in wolf form around the territory line at full speed once you done come back here that's when we will start proper training" I said smirking make them all groan

"Chop Chop, you guys better start moving or i will make it 40 laps in each form" I said smirking more they all jump up and run out except Jacob he stood up carefully and placed Macie in my arms then joined the others Billy was in front which made me laugh

I'm doing this for my family, My new family...... I just hope i can keep them safe.....



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