|Chapter 30 • Better then i thought it would|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

I walk out of Macie's bedroom after tucking her in for the night and reading her a story. I walk back into the livingroom only to see Rachel say on the couch comforting a crying Rebecca as Jacob glares at them and Billy well he is just say there with his head in his hands i go over to the girls smacking the back of Jacob's head on the way not liking the glare he is sending his older sister's when i get to the girls i kneel on the floor infront of them i put my finger under Rebecca's chin and lift her head up then wipe her tears.

"I am so sorry for yelling with Macie in the room i let my fear take over" Rebecca said looking down ashamed of herself i lift her head up again no princess should look down

"I accept your apology Rebecca, I know and understand you all fear that i will replace your mother but you all need to listen and listen good i wouldn't and couldn't do that she is apart of you all that i respect she raised three amzing children who are beautiful and handsome, well mannered, smart and most of all respectful i will continue to do what she couldn't and help Billy raise you the way i think she would. She is your mother and always will be i won't take that away from you i will do anything for you so that you can feel close to her again why do you think there is a flower corner in the backyard Jacob wanted that place to talk and to be close with your mother so i did it without thinking twice his well being and wishes come before anything and i will do anything you two girls want for you to talk or be close to your mother again" I said calmly

I want both the girls to know that i couldn't take Sarah's place even if i wanted to because that woman is half of the kids i can't live without she raised them perfectly and i want to see that through for her so she can rest peaceful knowing her kids are safe and well looked after.

"You really love us like your own and love our dad? You won't let anyone hurt us" Rachel questioned

"I love you all with all my heart i would never let anyone hurt you kids or your father didn't i prove that today when i kept you all safe from that leech i am not going to loose anyone else to those bloodsucking disco balls" I said truthfully holding back a snarl not want to scare them

"They took someone from you didn't they?" Rebecca asked sadly

"Rebecca!" Jacob and Billy scold in unison i raise my hand to my side silently telling them to stop

"Yes i lost someone amd that someone was my husband he was killed by a nomad vampire a month before i moved here we were both fighting to stop said vampire from taking and killing Macie while i was distracted the vampire ripped my husband's throat out right infront of me which made my wolf side took over and ripped the vampire apart that day i lost half of myself i thought i would be alone forever but then i moved back here that was the day i met your dad and Jacob that was the best and worst moment of my life i got the second chance at love again but i thought i would would loose Billy like i lost my husband and i feared Jacob would be in danger because of me but do you know what i did? I listened to my mum's final words 'Turn the pain into power my pup never let the pain control you' I took the leap and gave my imprint and myself the chance to love again so i know how you are all feeling and i want to help you guys but only if you guys are willing to help me too" I said holding back the tears a Hunter's dead body flashed in my mind Rebecca and Rachel at in tears by the time i stop talking.

"Y-Your still grieving aren't you?" Rachel asked between sobs

"Yes i am but being around you guys have helped me alot being with Billy seeing how much he loves me and loves Macie has been helping me alot" I said softly with a small smile

"Turn pain into power" Rebecca mumbles

"Yes sweetheart turn your pain into power i know for a fact your mother wouldn't want you to be sad your whole life she would want you to be happy show her how happy you can be for her" I said wiping away both their tears

"We will help you, we won't loose you too" The girls say in unison making mt heart clench in happiness

"Really!?" I ask in shock

"Yes really i have seen how you look at Jacob and dad. You love them and will do anything to protect them and us. Tonight was just a glimpse at what you would do to keep us safe but it will take time for me to be comfortable enough to call you something other then Mackenzie" Rebecca said looking anyway but me like she is scared to see my reaction

"Hey no need to be scared about my reaction i am fine with you calling me Mackenzie maybe you could shorten it to enzie like Jacob did and you are right i would walk through fire if it ment keeping you all safe you are all my life line now" I said grabbing her chin making her face me

"I can call you Enzie what about you Rach?" Rebecca said looking abit happier

"Can i call you Mack?" Rachel asked while blushing

"Wow never been called that before so sure why not" I said smiling

"Movie night?" Jacob suddenly asked making me laugh

"Yes movie night why don't you get the popcorn and drinks, Rachel and Rebecca can get the blankets and pillows while me and your dad get everything else ready" I asked and said politely

"Sure!!" They all said smiling

That definitely went better then i thought it would...



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