|Chapter 14 • He Phased|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

Laying here waiting for Carlisle is the hardest thing ever especially when i can hear Billy's screams of pain his phasing will take longer then any of us Jacob is laying ontop of me we are chest to chest his head in my neck as he sobs everytime we hear a scream having him laying on me does hurt but i am not going to tell him to move i wrap one arm around him trying to comfort him he needs me now and i am more then happy to comfort him even though i am injured then i have Macie laying on the floor by my head she is curled up in a ball her tail over her head she jumps everytime there's a scream i run my fingers through her fur calming her at the same time Flur is talking to her wolf side trying to comfort my daughter and her wolf side.

"Mother nature is only going to allow Carlisle access to make sure you heal correctly then she will refuse him access again" Flur said in my head

"Will she kick him out if he trys to do anything while he is here?" I ask her

"She said of course i am going to be watching his every move" Flur said softly

Suddenly i hear a car pull up outside then there is a low murderous growl from outside i smile knowing it's Billy he is going to finish his phase soon i know this because that growl is his wolf pushing through to protect me, Jacob and Macie i hear a yell from Sam as the front door opens and Carlisle walks in he looks more paler then he normally is when he sees me his eyes widen he rushes over making Jacob and Macie growl making Carlisle stop in his tracks i know there instincts are going into over drive with need to protect me and i need to calm them before things escalate.

"Jacob you need to get off so doctor leech can check me over you may need to hold Macie back" I cooed hoping to calm him down

"No your hurt, must protect" he mumbles into my neck

"Jacob Black you get your ass up right now and hold your little sister while Carlisle checks me over then you can lay back down" I scold softly not wanting to upset him more then he already is

"Yes mama" He mumbled as he got up and picked up Macie holding her wolf form tightly to his chest

"Jacob i will warn you now that i will scream but remember Carlisle isn't hurting me he is mending me okay and please keep a good hold of Macie her wolf side isn't going to like this at all" I said softly while looking in dead in the eyes

He nods his head Carlisle comes over and checks me he said my ribs and left arm is broke and body has started to heal them wrongly so he has to rebreak my bones i give Paul and Leah a look silently telling them to keep a eye on Jacob they nod at me as they go and stand either side of jacob who looks pale after hearing Carlisle's words i give him a small smile hoping it gives him comfort then i nod at Carlisle he gives me a sad smile then starts to rebreak i tried not to scream everytime he rebroke one of my ribs but i failed my screams bounced of the walls but then he moved to my arm that is broke and my god when he rebroke that i let out a blood curling scream which made Jacob and Billy who is still outside growl when all the rebreaking was done Carlisle wrapped my ribs and arm in bandages and placed a iv into the back of my hand he told me its morphine to help with the pain.

"Carlisle you need to get as far away from Mackenzie right now Billy has phased i am holding him back but i can't hold him for long!!" Sam suddenly yelled sounding worried and out of breath Carlisle vampire speeds to the other side of the room Paul drags Jacob over standing him next to me then he backs off like the rest of the back

"Let him go Sam!!" I yelled now everyone is far enough away from me, Jacob and Macie

Suddenly the front door is on the floor with a angry growling big jet black wolf stood ontop of it the wolf's eyes are darting around frantically i hear all the pack gasp Jacob has gone wided eyed while i just smile at the wolf i know it's Billy because this wolf is bigger then Sam but just a inch smaller then Flur in wolf form also the wolf has Billy's scent i would know my imprints scent i hear Macie let out a yip Flur tells me she is fine just excited.

Billy makes eye contact with me and freezes he has just imprinted on me we have both imprinted on each other i smile at that as a lone tear rolled down my cheek i see Jacob kneel on the floor in the corner of my eye which seems to snap Billy out o...

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Billy makes eye contact with me and freezes he has just imprinted on me we have both imprinted on each other i smile at that as a lone tear rolled down my cheek i see Jacob kneel on the floor in the corner of my eye which seems to snap Billy out of his imprint daze he slowly wakes over on wobbly legs he will get used to walking on four legs after just a couple steps he is towering over us he licks Jacob's cheek and licks Macies head i know why he is doing that he is leaving his scent on them which makes me giggle he is so being a dad wolf right now he lays down and carefully puts his big wolf head on my stomach whining.

"I am fine Billy in a couple of hours i will be all healed up i promise" I said softly

"I will leave now and come back in a hour to make sure your healing correctly" Carlisle said softly trying not to startle Billy

"Thank you Carlisle" I said while running my fingers through Billy's fur calming him down

"No need to thank me i should be thanking you for helping me and my family" He said with a small smile

Carlisle vampire speeds out the cabin leaving his god forsaken awful scent behind Paul opens all the windows trying to get rid of the smell of leech i say a quick thank you then the pack leaves letting me and Jacob have some time with a newly phased Billy he won't be as dangerous as the rest of the pack were when they phased because he knows how to control it thanks to seeing all the pack go through it Jacob let's Macie go she goes straight up to Billy and sniffs him making me laugh but i regret that instantly when a pain shoots through my ribs i growl at the pain.

"Mama are you okay?" Jacob asked

"Yes son i just can't laugh it makes my ribs hurt" I said softly

"Close your eyes and rest i will look after Macie" He said with a smile



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