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|Mackenzie's Pov|

It's been four months since we all found out i am pregnant with triplets and three months since Rebecca and Rachel left not before promising to be back for the birth of their siblings, Billy and Jacob have spent the past four months building a extention inbetween patrols and looking after my pregnant ass. We haven't heard anything from the cullen's or even the volturi which is a great sign i don't really want to deal with anymore drama especially with me being pregnant and hormonal because one wrong word and i would rip them to pieces without a second thought. Me and Billy have also decided not the know the genders of the triplets during the weekly scans we did find out two of the triplets are identical but not knowing their genders is making finding names hard but i have still be reading baby name books one after the other writing down any names i like for both genders which Billy goes through and crosses off any he doesn't like and puts ticks next to the ones he does like.

Then two days ago true to their word Rachel and Rebecca came back they have been painting my nails everyday, giving me neck massages and helping the with chores around the cabin they have been true angels but today they are out getting groceries Rachel wanted to make sure everything was stocked up because Billy doesn't want any of us leaving the cabin after the triplets are born he wants us to have time to adjust to having three babies

"Love do you want anything to eat?" Billy asked walking into the livingroom bring me out my thoughts

"No thank you baby, Jacob offered to cook me something already" I said placing the baby name book on my lap

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he sat down next to me

"I feel fine but Flur is on edge it's like she knows something" I said rubbing my forehead

"It's probably her telling you that you will go into labour soon. I will start getting everything ready. Are you sure you want a home birth?" He said and asked looking worried

"Your right as always and Yes i am sure i want to be at home where i am comfortable and surrounded by my family" I said caressing my baby bump

"Mama i just put your labour bag near the kitchen island and i have your favourite food in the oven" Jacob said walking into the livingroom

I stand up to give him a hug to say tha j you but i froze on the stop when water flows down my leg i look up and see Jacob pale as a ghost with wide eyes while Billy is smiling at me, Billy sits a pale Jacob down on the couch then comes over and helps me lay down on the other couch, He then grabs his phone and rings Sue telling her what's going one suddenly Rachel and Rebecca rush over to me with a cold flannel and ice chips they both have worry written all over their faces.

"Mack what's wrong with Jacob!" Rachel asked worriedly

"I think he is in shock honey, Someone needs to snap him out of it because he put food in the oven" I said through gritted teeth as a contraction hit me full force Rebecca places the flannel on my forehead then foes over to Jacob and smacks him across the face which snaps him out his shock instantly

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