|Chapter 21 • Yes we understand|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

It's been a couple days since me and Billy confessed our love for each other thing's have been heated between us Jacob has walked in on us making out so many times but everytime it goes further Billy stops and tells me he wants to take me on a date when all this shit with the cullen's has been delt with which makes me groan i have also been pushing the pack in their training with Macie helping me she yells at Jacob to push harder which he does without question and she even tells Billy to be careful cause he is old which ends up with her being tickled and Flur as been calm but yet vigilant using my senses to make sure everyone is safe.

But today since i woke up Flur has been on edge more then she normal has been since she gave me that warning so with her like this i didn't do morning training i just did a pack meeting and told everyone that with Flur on edge i didn't want to risk doing training incase she took over they understood completely thank god and now i'm in the back yard wearing my gym gear making Jacob's special place while everyone else is inside watching tv or playing with Macie suddenly i hear my phone ring inside so i drop everything and go inside only to see Billy waiting for me in the kitchen holding my phone which is still ringing he hands me it to me and pecks my lips quickly then walks into the livingroom and sits on the floor to play with Macie i answer my phone not looking at the caller Id.

"Ciao sorry for not calling you sooner but we have just got to forks the cullens moved the meeting forward to today i will send you the details of the meeting place" Caius said as soon as i answered which caught everyone's attention thanks to their enhanced hearing

"For god sake, Okay i will get myself and the pack ready and just so you know when we get there keep your shouting and yelling to a minimum i will have someone special with me and you won't want to upset them" I said coldly

"Everyone heard you and we all promise not to yell anyway i better let you get ready we will see you there" He said then hung up

I slam my phone down into the kitchen counter and take some deep breaths fucking cullen's just had to push them to come sooner but my plan hasn't changed i will make them pay for crossing a line i look over to the livingroom and see everyone stood up looking at me all of them except Macie are wearing their cut of jean shorts.

"Jacob can you get Macie dressed while i get myself dressed it's time to show the cullen's we are not to be messed with" I said calmly yet angrily

"Go mama i have it handled" Jacob said with a smile

"I will help love go make yourself look like the sexy badass women you are" Billy said winking at me making me blush

I give Billy a quick kiss on the lips then kiss Jacob and Macie's foreheads then i run to mine and Billy's room where i have started to kinda move some of my things in without Billy knowing but i think he does know because how can he not notice there is more stuff in his room i go to the bathroom and have a quick shower to wash off all the dirt and sweat from all the gardening once i'm done i climb out making sure to shut the water off i quickly dry myself and get dressed (Outfit above) I put my leather jacket on the go back to the others they are all stood by the front door i see macie and smile at what she is wearing it's exactly like my outfit but instead of a crop top she is wearing a t-shirt tucked into her black jeans.

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