|Chapter 5 • Their Back!|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

Me and Billy spent a couple hours just talking about everything i honestly love hearing him talk and i love having this time with him especially when Jacob has his head in my lap while holding Macie it makes my heart skip a beat seeing him, me and my wolf already know he is going to be the best big brother to her and protect her with his life i just hope that if me and Billy do start a relationship Jacob won't think i am replacing his mother because i would never, never replace his mother i will be who ever he needs me to be i am cut out of my thoughts when the front door is slammed open it was that loud jacob sat bolt up right holding Macie close to his chest letting out a low growl hearing him do that i jump off the couch and stand infront of Billy, Jacob and Macie while letting out a murderous growl that literally makes Billy's house shake at the loudness three boys walk in with wide eyes.

"Who are you and what are you doing here" I snarl not moving from my spot infront of the now three most important people in my life

"B-Billy" One stutters out

"Mackenzie calm down that is Paul, Sam and Embry they are some of the pack members we are safe they won't hurt us" Billy said wheeling next to me taking my hand in his while he points to each boy as he ways their name with his other hand

"They could have knocked there is a baby here!" I snarl glaring at them only for them to gulp

"We are so so sorry miss it won't happen again" Embry said looking down at the floor with his head tilted in submission by the looks of it that made Sam the alpha mad

"Sam do not scold the poor boy he is showing the alpha of alpha's submission she can make you do the same even Jacob if she wanted too" Billy said and warned

"Stand down pup i am not going to take over your pack or take any of your members i lost my own pack i am now a lone wolf and want to keep it that way" I said with a low growl at the thought of what those nomad vamps did

"Why are you guys here?" Jacob asked as he came and stood next to me he even placed Macie in my awaiting arms

"They are back! Those bloodsucking leeches are back they should have stayed away" Paul spat out like it was dirty

"WHAT!!!" I growl out which again shook the house i could feel my breathing pick up as my chest gets tight

"Enzie let me take Macie" Jacob said concerned

I nod my head at him he carefully takes her out my arms but stays in sight i feel myself being pulled down i look and see Billy has pulled me onto his lap i bury my head in his chest letting the imprint bond and the feeling of Billy running his finger's through my hair calm my panic.

"Is she okay Billy?" Sam asked i could hear the worry in his voice

"Can i tell them Mackenzie?" Billy asked worriedly like i would snap which i wouldn't not at him never at him

"Yes" I mumbled into his chest

"Vampire's killed her family and her pack when she was a child and a couple months ago a lone nomad vampire killed her first imprint as that said nomad was trying to take their daughter" Billy said as he continues running his finger through my hair

"Shit!" Paul hissed out angrily

"Oh my god i am so sorry" Embry said his voice filled with worry

"Then this will make it worse they are demanding a meeting with the pack and even asked for you to be there" Sam said making me growl out again at the thought of Billy being there with them i am not going to loose another imprint

"No absolutely not he is not going anywhere near those bloodsucking basterd's!!!" I growl out full of rage

"I erm already agreed" Sam said sheepishly

"Oh no" Jacob said as he stepped away from me.

I started shaking so i jumped off Billy's lap being as careful as i could not wanting to tip his wheelchair over with him in it then i get chest to chest with Sam my face right in his face i am not letting this pup put my imprint's life in danger all because of a meeting that they can have without him even worse they agreed to this meeting without consulting an elder.

"When i said my imprint is not going to be there i god damn mean it pup do not make me fucking angry because that will be the worst mistake you could make!!!" I snarl out as my shaking got worse Sam is now looking at me wide eyes

"Mackenzie stop! I will go to this meeting" I cut Billy of with a snarl

"But not without Mackenzie she will be there her kind are extremely protective over their imprints and me being her second imprint she needs to be with me or her wolf will take control and that would not be the best thing to happen as her wolf won't stop at anything to find me" Billy continues making me stop growling Sam's wide eyes got wider as he looked at Billy then me

"What about Macie dad she can't come with us it won't be safe" Jacob said just hearing him say that made me go over to him taking Macie out his arms holding her to my chest

"Well if it's not obvious she comes with us Mackenzie will be able to protect me and Macie plus the pack will be there the Cullen's won't even think about doing anything when they feel the power coming off Mackenzie" Billy said taking my hand in his again

"The meeting is in 20 minutes" Paul said with a small smile

"Jacob will you watch Macie for me while i go and change" I asked with smirk

"Hell yes!" He said happily



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