|Chapter 8 • You are free now|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

One minute i am sat next to Billy the next i am sat in his lap with him holding me close to him i could feel tears streaming down my face making me realise he is holding me because i got myself into a state at seeing him hurt my chest got tight with panic when i remember Billy was holding Macie before so i frantically look around and see that Jacob is holding Macie again i felt the panic slowly fade i look up at Billy and see he still has the bag of peas on his nose i reach up and take it off putting it on my lap then i place my hand on his nose then i close my eyes and let Flur come forward to share control with me then i do the one thing i failed to tell everyone in the room Flur used her magic to start to heal Billy i open my eyes and see him looking at me wide eyed in shock he goes to move his head but i shake my head at him.

"Dad?" Jacob said confused

"It's okay Jacob we will explain once we have finished" I said making everyone look at me with wide eyed my voice is deeper when me and Flur share control so their reaction was expected

"We?" Billy asked coming out his shock

"Yes we my imprint, I am sharing control with Mackenzie we will explain once i have finished" Flur said taking over just enough so she could talk

Hearing my other side talk made everyone gasp at her very deep voice i can see Billy looking at me in awe which makes me blush i thought he would be scared of me when Flur is sharing control not look at me in awe suddenly Billy's legs start to twitch he let's out a gasp making me panic then i feel Flur pull back on control just a little bit making me panic even more i keep my hand on Billy's nose then go inside my head only to see Flur sat down in my head in her wolf form her eyes glazed over like she is talking to someone in the after life she soon snaps out of it

"Flur what's going on!" I yell at her in my mind

"Mother nature, The earth, The Air and Quileute spirits just spoke to me they have gave us the gift to heal Billy completely giving him the ability to walk again that is why his legs are twitching all his damaged nerves, ligament and tendons are healing we are healing all of him Mackenzie" She said wagging her wolf tail at me in my head

"Tell them we will do anything they want for giving us this gift Flur, I mean it tell them we will do anything and i mean anything" I said to her she nods her giant wolf head then her eyes glazed over again as she spoke to the spirits it wasn't long till she snaps out of it

"They don't want anything in return they have seen everything me and you have done for our kind and are willing to do this for us they have even said they will help prevent Bella and the Cullen's from being able to enter la push." She said wagging her tail more with a happy yip

"Why would they do this for me! I am no-one" I said confused

"We are the alpha of all alpha's we are shape-shifter royalty, we are the queen of all shape-shifter's" She said in pride standing tall in my mind making me smile

But then her words hit me hard i am the queen of the shape-shifter's what the hell i couldn't help but gasp out loud as i come out my head as i hear Flur laugh at my shock only to see Billy looking at me concerned they are giving Billy the chance to walk again to live his life out of a wheelchair it's going to be amazing to see his reaction to be able to walk again he raises his hand and wipes my face making me realise i am crying again.

"What happened in that head of yours love?" He asked butterfly's flutter in my stomach hearing him call me Love

"I had a conversation with Flur she told me some really amazing news but i am not going to tell you just yet first i need Jacob to came and help me stand you up for you to know what it is" I said with a smile

"I can't you know my diabetes ruined my chance to stand and walk" He said sadly

"Just do this for me please" I begged

"Okay son come over here and help me" He said with a small but sad smile

I remove my hand from his nose and get up out his lap making sure to put the peas on the coffee table so they don't spill everywhere i go over to Jacob and take Macie out his arms i hold her close to me as i watch Jacob go over and help Billy up off the couch so he is standing with Jacob holding him under his arms Billy's legs do not shake or anything he stands tall which makes everyone gasp in shock i signal Jacob to let go and move away which he does without question he comes and stands next to me time to see if what the spirits said is true.

"Billy walk to us, walk to your son, You can do it i know you can trust me" I said with a small smile

He looks at me for a couple minutes then he takes a step forward and another and another he does this multiple times until he is stood infront of me, Macie and Jacob he pulls us into his arms hugging the life out of us i had to turn side on so he didnt crush Macie inbetween us he placed his head in my neck as i start feel his tears hitting my neck seeing him walk again made everyone gasp around him again.

"I can walk again!" He said happily while crying into my neck

"You can dad! You can walk!" Jacob said happily from next to me



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