|Chapter 12 • Burn you all to ashes|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

After three long hours filled with questions Charlie left to deal with Bella who was calling him every five minutes Billy walked him out then he came back and sat next to me i put my head on his shoulder and watched Jacob lay on the floor with Macie curled into his stomach still in her wolf form suddenly Billy's phone starts ringing why can't we just have a chill out day together with no drama Billy kisses my forehead as he gets up and answers his phone his face goes from relaxed to pissed in a instant which makes me groan again he slams the phone down on the kitchen island startling Macie luckly Jacob calms her down.

"Those basterds!!" Billy yells making Macie jump with a growl

"Billy calm down your scaring Macie!" I growl out

"Dad calm down and tell us what's wrong" Jacob said holding Macie close to him

"The Cullen's rang Sam wanting another meeting he tried explaining he isn't alpha anymore but they just demanding the damn meeting and they want me, Mackenzie and Macie be there!" He said running his finger's through his hair while he paces up and down

"Why won't they just leave us alone" Jacob growled out

"Because they want to know what i am, what Macie is so they will try anything to find out even if that means calling meeting after meeting no matter the inconveniences" I said rubbing my forehead feeling a headache coming on

"We can't let them keep doing this" Billy sighed rubbing his own forehead

"How about during this meeting i tell them to sign another treaty which will state they can not know anything about anyone in la push it stays between us and the tribe council and it will still have all the other things the original treaty stated" I said thoughtfully

"That could work i will get the treaty ready and call Sam" Billy said with a small smile

Billy walked over to me then kissed my forehead he went over to Jacob who is holding Macie to his chest and kissed them both on the forehead too then he went to his room the while time the small smile never left his face i get off the couch and sit with Jacob on the floor Flur is constantly telling me how Macie's wolf is doing and how my baby girl is just giggling inside her wolf form which makes me smile Flur also told me that Macies wolf is called Hope i lay down on the floor and let Hope just smell me and lay all over me so she gets used to me in this form i tell Jacob to do it too


An hour later me, Billy, Jacob and Macie are at the treaty line with the pack behind us i told the pack to stay in the wolf forms and to surround Macie i mean Hope so that she goes unnoticed and i also let Flur have half control incase someone trys something i can't believe that the Cullen's are late to their own meeting i am so close to just walking away why the hell should we have to wait when they called us but theres one thing stopping me from leaving and that is me wanting to see their faces when they see Billy stood up and walking.

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