|Chapter 4 • She isn't worth crying for|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

When i kneel infront of Jacob i cup his face in my hands i wipe his tears away with my thumb he looks at me looking so broken he lunges into my arms wrapping his arms around my whole sobbing louder i wrap my arms around him and hold him tighter to me i can hear my wolf whimpering in my head at the sight of Jacob me and my wolf want nothing more then to track down who hurt him and beat them to a pulp our joined mothering instincts on full alart i see Billy wheel himself closer with alittle bit of a struggle but he did it making me smile slightly the smile stayed on my face when i saw that he has placed Macie on his lap she is holding onto his finger with a death grip which explains why he was struggling he has to use one hand to wheel over.

"Thank you Mackenzie" He said with a sad smile

"No problem Billy, whej he has calmed down we need to talk i don't know how you will take this but i can't keep it from you anymore" I said looking down at Jacob i run my fingers through his hair as he whimpers

"Shhhh Jacob it's okay i am here so is Macie" I said trying to sooth him

"She left for the bloodsucker i thought she loved me but i was just a game to her" He said between sobs making me shake with anger i saw Billy freeze beside me

"Son are you sure" Billy asked worriedly

"Yes she left to save his glittery ass they will probably come back" He said while sobbing again i take a deep breath and shove my anger down Jacob needs me right now i can be angry later

"Jacob, Honey she isn't worth crying over you need to wipe those tears off your handsome face and show her that her game didn't work you will find love again in your imprint i should know you need to be the strong young man i know you are" I said softly as i ran my fingers through his hair

"Your right but it hurts" he sobbed holding me that tightly if i was human he would have broken my ribs

"I know it hurts trust me i know but someone told me recently that you can't live in the past you need to move on towards the future i will be with you every step of the way let's show la push how strong you are, how strong me and your dad know you are honey" I said still talking to him softly

"Plus i need to tell your dad our secrete and i am going to need your help for that buddy" I continued nervously

Jacob perked up hearing this he practically jumped up of the floor and wheeling a shocked and nervous Billy to the livingroom i followed them with a giggle as i saw how Billy tightened his hold on Macie as he told Jacob to calm down as he is holding a baby which instantly made Jacob wheel him slower when we get to the livingroom he leaves Billy next to the couch i sit next to him on the couch while Jacob careful takes Macie from Billy then sits next to me he takes me hand giving it a reassuring squeeze i lean down to kiss Macie's forehead then i turn to face Billy, here it goes

"I don't know how to say this but you being a elder know about imprinting right?" I said but sounded like a question

"Yes i know everything about the pack" He said sounding worried

"This will be easy then here it goes the first time we met on my door step i had imprinted for a second time" I said nervously

"On my son?" He said but it came out as a question

"Oh no Billy not on Jacob on you, Your my imprint" I said making sure to watch his reaction and what i saw made tears gather in my eyes he has a smile on his face with tears in his own eyes

"I am your imprint?" He said in shock

"Yes dad she is your second chance at happiness" Jacob said beside me only to start cooing at a sleeping Macie

"But i want to say that i don't want to rush into anything i want to start of as friends then maybe if we both want it we can move into a relationship this is because you are what our kind calls a second chance imprint when and if our frist imprint died before his or her time we get a chance at love again and well your my second chance" I said slowly his eyes widen when i tell him he is my second chance i couldn't tell if he wanted this or not and it was frustrating

"I can do that, be friends then we can see what happens after that i will not reject the bond as i know what will happen and i will not put you and Macie through that" He said with a small smile

"So if dad's your second chance does that mean you lost your first imprint" Jacob asked looking worried

"Yes honey i did he died a month ago as me and him were protecting Macie from what you call a bloodsucker" I said with a low growl

"Oh no dad! The cullen's may come back we can't have them knowing about Mackenzie or Macie!!" Jacob said looking at me panicked i could feel Flur stir inside if me wanting to take over my body to protect our pup

"We will make sure they are safe Jacob i already had some running patols around Mackenzie's house to make sure they were safe Sam will probably double the patrols especially now that the Cullen's may come back but don't you worry they are not allowed on la push lands you are safe and so is Macie" Billy added looking at me with a small smile with relaxed me slightly

"Who are the Cullen's?" I asked

And boy i wish i didn't because my wish of having a vampire free life has now been crushed the only thought i have now is keeping Macie, Jacob, Billy, The pack and everyone in la push safe from the bloodsucking disco balls when Billy finished explaining who the Cullen's were Jacob had fell asleep with his head on my lap as he held Macie tightly to his chest i couldn't help but look down at my imprint's son hopefully if everything goes right he will be a son to me i couldn't help but hope



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