|Chapter 15 • What the hell|

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|Billy's Pov|

I watched Mackenzie, Macie and Jacob sleep in my wolf form for a couple hours i know Sam told me that all the newborn vampire's have been killed but i wanted to keep watch for a couple hours i have only just phased back into my human form i need to fix my front door after i knocked it down plus it needs to be fixed because we have a pup to keep safe we can't have Macie running around the woods when there could be a vampire out there that could hurt her i quickly go to my room and put on joggers and a top while doing that i noticed i am now muscular like a bodybuilder and have what teenagers call a eight pack which kinda shocked me i am used to having what Jacob called a dad bod i shake my head as i walk out my room and pick up the front door thankfully i just ripped it off it's hinges and didn't split it in half so i attached new hinges and reattached the door and it was done.

I hear movement in the livingroom so i quickly go and investigate only to see Jacob placing a still sleeping Macie inbetween Mackenzie's legs while yawning he sees me and goes wided eyed at my new appearance i signal for him to join me in the kitchen which he does without question he sits at the kitchen island as i pour us both a coffee he hasn't took his wide eyes off me i placed the coffee down infront of him which snapped him out of shock then i sat down next to him we drink our coffee in silence i look him over checking him for injuries thankfully there was none i can only just cope with Mackenzie being injured seeing both my imprint and my son injured would have sent me crazy but i did notice his eyes are puffy and red obviously from crying.

"Son why have you been crying?" I asked wanting to know

"You phased because of me and she got hurt because of me she shouldn't have pushed me away from the newborn vampire this is all my fault i can't loose her dad i can't loose another mum she has filled the hole that was left after mum died since she has been around i feel motherly love again after such a long time i asked her if i could call her mama i know it sounds childish to call her that but i had mum and now Mackenzie can be my mama i-i just can't loose her" He said as fresh new tears rolled down his face

"None of this is your fault Jacob she knew what would happen but she did it her motherly instincts kick in to protect you she can't loose you just like we both can't loose her or Macie, You are like a son to her Jacob she wouldn't and won't let anything happen to you even if that means risking her life just like she did today don't blame yourself over something you had no control over, something Mackenzie did to protect you all you can do now is be there for her while she heals and you calling Mackenzie mama is not childish if calling her that makes you comfortable then do it none of us will judge you son" I said feeling happy and worried at the same time he shouldn't be blaming himself for this

"He is right Jacob it was my choice to jump in and push you away don't and i mean don't blame yourself i will always protect you, Billy and Macie even if that means putting my own life at risk and please you calling me mama is not childish some teenagers still call their mother's mummy so you calling me mama is nothing to be judged for now come here and give me a cuddle before i rip this IV out and go over there to give you one myself" Mackenzie said from the livingroom nearly giving me a heartattack

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