|Chapter 20 • She's Awake!|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

I watch as everyone collapsed around the livingroom completely exhausted from the four hour training session they just had, The whole four hours i was outside pushing these guys to the limit Macie didn't wake up once i know it would worry a human with how much she is sleeping but i know our kind are like this after their first phase it's not worrying me plus i know she will wake up soon so i tell everyone to head back to their houses but to be here at Billy's by 5am there was loads of groaning and protesting but one look at from me with red eyes they quickly shut up Sam rounds all the kids up then take them outside with me following then when we get outside they phase and run off into the woods howling a goodbye i smile as i watch them dissappear they are definitely becoming like family to me and i promise they will not get hurt i go back inside only to see Billy and Jacob either side of Macie with smiles on their faces Billy is running his finger's through her now waist length blonde hair that she definitely got from hunter while Jacob is leaving kisses all over her face.

"She's grown so much" Jacob said sadly as he stops kissing her face

"That's what happens when our kind phase Jacob we aren't baby's for long" I said sadly

"When did you phase for the first time" Billy asked curiously

"I was 2 years old" I said shortly

"Wow that must have sucked" Jacob said shocked

"Not really it's apart of us, Just like you phase when a vampire triggers the gene or when your angry that's apart of you every shape-shifter is different Jake" I said with a smile

"Can i get her a change of pj's and a hair band?" Jacob asked changing the subject quickly

"Yeah sure you might have to go to my place though just don't snoop" I said teasingly

I told him where to find Macie's room then she quickly ran off with a smile on his face while shouting i am going to find the cutest outfit for my sister! Which made me and Billy laugh i go over and sit next to Macie wanting nothing more for her to wake up right now but i know from experience this takes time minutes later Jacob runs back in with a pj set, a matching hair band and her teddy lamb he still has that smile on his face i take the clothes of him and change Macie being as careful as i can.

It's been a couple hours and Macie has shown multiple signs that Hope her wolf is slowly letting her wake up we all just sat around for the first hour waiting eagerly for her to open her eyes but after that first hour Billy jumped up and started to cook saying he wants her to have loads of food to help her gain some strength he said he would also make enough for all of ys which made me giggle and Jacob dissappeared for a hour only to come back with multiple bags of toys and clothes for her i did scold him because i didn't want him to spend his money on Macie that is my job he should be spending his money on sweets or anything else kids spend their money on nowadays i get up and go to the kitchen to get a coffee only to hear a whimper i run back into the livingroom and see Macie sat up holding her teddy lamb to her face and giving it kisses

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