|Chapter 16 • I'm not old!|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

Last night was ruff after Sue unhooked me from the IV i wanted to go back to my cabin to lay in my own bed with Macie but Jacob and Billy had other plans they literally took the mattresses of their own beds and placed them in the livingroom Billy picked me up off the couch and placed me on his mattress and layed next to me we spent the whole night watching movie after movie after the first movie Jacob was asleep on his mattress next to me as he held my hand in a death grip in his sleep he wasn't sleeping on his mattress alone though Macie who is still in wolf form slept by his feet hopefully she will phase back today i want my little baby back in my arms when i feel asleep i remember Billy pulling me close to him wrapping his arms around me and whispering that he loves me and Macie.

Now here i am layed on my back staring at the ceiling listening to Jacob's snores, Billy is in the kitchen cooking and Macie well my wish come true she phased back in the night so now my baby girl is in my arms fast asleep she doesn't look a couple months old anymore she looks like a one year old god i forgot about how the first phase effects us differently then the normal shape-shifter our body's go through a growth change she looks like a one year old now but she will look abour two or three by the end of the day it's her body's way of accommodating the inner wolf's every need her wolf has been teaching her how to talk while she was in wolf form she will be in for a shock when she wakes up she isn't my little baby anymore and that makes my heart ache that Hunter wasn't here to see her in wolf form but i know he is looking down on us and saw i know he is proud of our little angel just like i am.

"Mama?" Jacob groggily asked as he slowly wakes up

"Yes son?" I asked looking at him rubbing his eyes

"Where's Macie she isn't cuddling me?" He asked confused while still rubbing his eyes

"If you stopped rubbing your eyes you will see she has phased back just don't shout when you see her she has had to grow alot to help her wolf so she needs alot of sleep right now" I said softly

He stops rubbing his eyes and turns to look at Macie when his eyes land on her they go wide and his mouth opens and closes he looks like a fish out of water i giggled at his expression.

"T-that's Macie?" He asked in shock

"Yes she looks about one now but by the end of the day she will look about two or three so she will be tired and her body will ache all day it's the price we pay for being rare shape-shifter's" I said with a little smirk

"Is s-she in pain?" He asked as he moved from his mattress to lay next to me on Billy's mattress

"No she isn't she is just very tired" I said softly

"Can i hold her?" He asked again look worried

"Sure you can watch her while i get cleaned up and get dressed" I said with a smile

Jacob lays down on his back with a big smile on his face he pats his chest indicating he wants Macie there so that's what i do i move her from my chest on to his only for his smile to get bigger i kiss both of their foreheads then get up and go to Billy's room to use his shower when i get to the bathroom i quickly as possible strip out of yesterday's clothes and jump into the shower letting the hot water wash over me as i wash my hair and body wanting to get rid of all the dirt from yesterday's fight when i am finished i shut the water off and climb out i quickly dry my hair and myself then get dressed (Outfit above) I throw my clothes and towel in the laundry bin then go back to the livingroom just as Billy plates up breakfast he sees me and raises an eyebrow.

"What are you doing up and about you should be in bed" He said crossing his now muscluar arms

"I wanted to have a shower and put on fresh clothes i was sick of smelling leech every time i moved" I said trying not to stare at his muscles damn he looks more handsome how is that possible!

"Well now you have cleaned up and got dressed you can get your sexy ass back on that mattress i will bring breakfast to you and our kids" He said smirking at me damn it!

I know i won't win so i kiss his cheek then go back to Jacob only to see he has fallen back to sleep holding Macie tightly to his chest i sit down next to him with my back against the wall and cover us with a thin blanket that will probably end up being kicked off because of our unnaturally high body heat Billy walks over with two plates he places a plate on my lap then sits the other side of me.

"Let's eat and enjoy the peace and quiet before the kids wake up darling" He said smirking again!

"You just want to cuddle more and watch other movie" I said rolling my eyes

"Of course i do because when the kids wake up they will have all your attention" He whines like a child

"Oh hush you old man your just jealous you cant keep up with us youngsters anymore" I said jokingly

"I'm not old!" He said placing his hand over his heart pretending he is hurt



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