|Chapter 17 • Cryptic|

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|Bella's Pov|

I can do nothing but watch as Charlie starts putting things on the house i don't even ask what they are because i know he will not tell me he is very angry at me right now because Billy rang him and told him the new alpha who i now know is called Mackenzie got hurt during the fight and according to dad Mackenzie is a nice person but to me she is a monster she has got to have said something to Jacob for him not to talk to me or want to see me i want him and Edward i love them both and now thanks to that monster i only have Edward and to top it off Charlie is going all overprotective father on me stopping me from having my nightly visits from Edward.

"Bella Edward is here to see you!" Charlie yells from downstairs i jump of my bed and run downstairs only to see Charlie talking to Edward in the livingroom.

"Hi Edward let's go to my room" I said seductively

"If you go to your room keep the door open if not i will take the door off and no i am not joking" Charlie said which dampened my mood

"Fine!" I snap

"I assure you Mr. Swan that the door will stay open at all times" Edward said trying to get back on Charlie's good side

I grab Edward's hand and pull him all the to my room wanting to get as far away from Charlie as possible because i want to tell Edward a plan i have to get rid of Mackenzie once and for all so things can go back to normal for us i reluctantly leave my bedroom door open and push Edward onto the bed i pace up and down infront of him.

"Bella why are you pacing what's wrong" He asked concerned

"I have a plan to get rid of that new alpha Mackenzie but it's dangerous" I said as i carry on pacing

"Tell me this plan then i can help you" He said with a small smile that's when i know i have him where i want him

"We have to inform the volturi she is telling people who don't need to know about you and your kind she has to be stopped and the only way to stop her is getting them involved" I said faking being worried

"That is definitely dangerous Bella they told me and my family to turn you and we haven't they could end up killing you or Charlie" He said rubbing his forehead

"Edward but she is dangerous did you not see her eyes turn red or that she growled she won't even tell us what she is! She could kill me and Charlie even worse she could hurt or kill that baby the pack has with them we have tondo this to stop her!" I said fake it till you make it that's what mum would say

"Okay i will go ring them and explain everything you are right she is a risk to yours, Charlie's and that baby's life we need to stop her i better go i will see you later or tomorrow" He said bingo! I have him in the palm of my hands

"Bye Edward love you" I said trying not to gag when i say love you

"I love you too love" He said then pecked my lips

I hope that bitch is having fun living while she can because i am going to get her killed so everything can be all about me just how it should be i am sick of hearing all the cullen's talking about her and how they want to getbto know her the only person they should want to know is me!

I hope that bitch is having fun living while she can because i am going to get her killed so everything can be all about me just how it should be i am sick of hearing all the cullen's talking about her and how they want to getbto know her the only...

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

For the past hour Flur has been pacing and growling in my head and she is giving me a god damn headache i have been asking her what is wrong but all she keeps saying is something is wrong or something is going to happen and that i have to be ready to fight i have gave up on watching the movie i am just cuddled up with Billy with my head on his bare chest trying to get Flur to stop being all cryptic.

"Love what's wrong your eyes keeping changing to red is Flur okay?" Billy asked snapping me out my inner battle with Flur

"She is being all cryptic while pacing and growling in my head i am getting a damn headache" I said wincing at the pain in my head

"What is she saying maybe i can help" He said looking worried as he runs his fingers through my hair

"She keeps repeating three things something is wrong or something is going to happen and that i have to be ready to fight" I said rubbing my forehead

"It must be something to do with the cullen's if it was something to do with the pack she would have told you that straight away you know she loves the pack and would do anything to keep them all safe so she wouldn't keep anything from you that involved the pack" He said thoughtfully

"If it's the cullen's they are planning something and i bet you it involves three people i haven't seen in a few years the cullen's will have a shock of a life time if they do involve those three because they can not touch me at all i am more powerful then all three of them combined" I said smugly

"I won't let anyone hurt you i don't care that your powerful enough to protect yourself no-one is going to lay one hand on you because i will rip them apart before they can even get within a inch infront of you!" He growls out

"No i need you to keep our kids safe they need their dad while i keep everyone's focus off them and you i will not loose another person i love not again!" I growl out louder

"We will protect each other then" He said smirking god damn it he tricked me

"Fine!" I sighed defeated

"Now relax you too flur i know you can hear me you are giving Mackenzie a headache she can not keep vigilant if you are causing her to have a headache" He said softly trying to calm Flur down which makes my heart swell the pressure in my head lessened making me sigh in relief

"She's calmed down slightly it's not hurting my head anymore" I said in relief

"Good you lay here for alittle bit then you will have to gather the pack and tell them everything they need to know so they can get themselves ready" He said running his finger's through my hair



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