|Chapter 28 • You have my word|

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A/n: Another twist!!!!!!!!💋

Not Checked, Not Edited A/n: Another twist!!!!!!!!💋

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

It's been hours since i heard the girls scream they haven't come back inside and they aren't even in the backyard anymore i don't know where they are or if they are safe and it's driving Flur mad has been pacing and howling in my head giving me a headache it got so had bad that i sent Jacob to go on patrol about half an hour ago to make sure they will be safe wherever they are but since i sent him away Flur got worse but this time it was like she was sensing incoming danger so i locked all the doors and windows then sat on the floor in the livingroom and joined Macie helping her colour and draw suddenly a hear glass break and footsteps i take a deep breath only to smell the sickly scent of a vampire i grab Macie amd put her in a corner then stood infront of her ready to protect her at any cost.

"Flur push through our bond with Billy and tell him a vampire is here he needs to keep Jacob and the girls away!" I yelled in my head

"Done it! He won't listen to me he said he is leaving the girls with Sam the he and Jacob are coming to help!" She said panicking

"No! No! No!" I said back to her in panic

I snap out my conversation with Flur when the sickly scent gets closer and closer until a red eyed vampire is stood right infront of me i see a familiar necklace around his neck and relax that was a mistake he grab my throat and pinned me up against the wall above Macie who is now curled up in a ball below me dangling feet.

"Mate!" The vampire hisses while looking at Macie which makes me growl

"Do you know who i am!! I will tell the king's about this and they will have your head!" I said with a snarl

"Why would i know who you are and why would the masters have my head i am doing them a favour by killing a werewolf" He said with a evil smirk

"I am the queen of the shape-shifter's, Alpha of all alpha's and not to mention your mate's mother! That is why the king's will have your head!" I said with a low growl that shook the cabin

He made no move to let me go so i grab his hand that is around my neck then ripped it clean off the only thing that can be heard is the sound of his skin ripping and his screams echo around the cabin i fall to the floor next to Macie who i see has passed out due to fear i picked her up and layed her on the couch i go over to the vampire and grab him by the neck making sure to pin him against the wall just like he had me moments ago i let Flur have half control so they won't be any chnace this vampire can get free then i grab my phone from my pocket and call Caius because he has some serious explaining to do he answers just as i smell Billy's scent.

"Ciao Mackenzie what can i do for you?" He asked sounding very happy i saw the vampire's eyes infront of me go wide hearing Caius's voice

"You can explain why i have a unknown vampire from your coven pinned against my livingroom wall after he just had me in the exact same position a few moments ago as he threated to kill me oh he also said my daughter is his mate and called me a werewolf!" I growled through the phone feeling my anger rise

"WHAT!! Me and the other's are in the area we will be right there keep him pinned to the wall away from your daughter we will deal with him!" He said sounding angry now

"You better deal with him! The rest of my family will be back soon and i will not have your kind anywhere near them so hurry your glittering ass!" I snarl as i see Billy and Jacob walk into the livingroom in the corner of my eyes

"Love what -" Billy started to say but stopped and let out a murderous growl when he saw me holding a vampire by the neck

"We will be there in a couple minutes make sure your imprint doesn't kill him yet!" Caius said then hung up i put my phone back into my back pocket

"Mama where's Macie is she safe? Did that leech hurt her?" Jacob said as he panicked

"She is passed out on the couch son" I said calmly not wanting to take my anger out on him

He rushes over to the couch and sits beside Macie and runs his fingers through her hair Billy stopped growling when he heard what i said he rushed over to me and started look me over for any injuries when his eyes land on my neck he growls again i quickly grab his hand with my free hand to calm him down before he does something to wake Macie i don't want her to wake up and see any of this.

"Babe please stop growling we don't want Macie to wake up and see this, This son of a bitch already scared her that much it made her pass out" I said tightening my hold on the vampire's neck which made cracks appear

Just as Billy was about to say something the front door gets thrown open making me, Billy and Jacob let out murderous growls we stop when we see Caius, Aro and Marcus walk inside looking very angry they storm over to me and rip the vampire out of my hand only to pin him up against the wall Caius has his had around his throat while Aro and Marcus pin his arms to the wall.

"Demetri we told you to leave the queen alone not come here and try to kill her! You went against our order and frightened a innocent child who happens to be your mate!" Marcus hissed out in anger

"I didn't know she was the queen i haven't met her before how was i ment to know and when i smelt her scent on my mate my beast took over wanting to protect my mate i had no control!" The vampire i now know as Demetri said

"Dad!? Jacob!? Mackenzie!? Are you guys here!? What's going on!?" I hear Rachel yell from outside i look at Billy with wide eyes

"Billy please keep then outside i can't loose anyone else! Please!" I pleaded in fear

The girls are human they have no chance against vampire's at least me, Billy and Jacob have a slight advantage being shape-shifter's but the girls have zero chance he nods as he gives me a quick kiss on the lips then leaves i look back at the king's.

"Don't let him fucking go! Mine and Billy's human daughters are outside and if Demetri goes near them i will kill him without a second thought no-one will hurt my kids! No-one!" I snarl while sending Demetri a murderous glare

"We won't let go you have my word!" Aro said with a understanding nod

(A/n: Elijah Mikaelson vibes!💋)



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