chp 1.

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James has meetings all day, you would think this means I have time to myself, time to reflect on the wonderful day I had yesterday, but you're mistakenly wrong. I have this silence that is deafeningly loud. All I can do is ask myself how the hell I ended up here and why I am still alive. I'm a selfish useless piece of trash that will only be truly loved by James. So I do what I always do, play housewife proudly as I know he only wants the best for me so I'll take care of him too.

The sound of our front door slamming shocks me out of my trance. He wasn't supposed to be home for another hour, I thought I had another hour he is going to be livid with me. I race to finish my chores and pray the timer on the oven will say dinner is ready. I don't think I can deal with another night of him being angry.

"Honey I'm home" Well he is in a good mood, it's about to take a turn for the worst. I can hear his footsteps echoing on the tiles. I have to ease the situation before he starts so I begin to ask questions surrounding him

"How were your meetings you had today sweetie" he paused in the doorframe and looked around the kitchen not even acknowledging my question.

"I thought I said I wanted to see the sparkles coming off my counter, dishes cleaned and dinner to be on the table before I got home. Why isn't it done? Huh!" shouting as he walks towards me I begin to back away cowardly.

"Answer me! Morrigan I have had a productive day and you have gotten absolutely nothing completed, I was going to surprise you to bring you to an event I have tonight" he creeps closer and closer towards me. I don't have it in me to back away.

"I bought you a pretty dress and new shoes" he strokes my hair as I stay completely still not wanting to aggravate him more.

"Well I guess I'm going to have to return it because you won't be wearing that tonight after i'm done with you, can't let my boys see the pretty little bruises i'm going to leave".

Now I know what's coming. My eyes pop out of my head with fear as if I had no idea what was going to happen my body is still frozen like a statue as his brown eyes look directly at me. Sometimes I wonder if the devil really did make him in the pits of hell and if he did why did he choose me to love.

It all freezes for a moment of silence but it is taken away, too fast and agony replaces it.

an: it's about to get really good just wait it out
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kt xoxo

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