chp.4 *

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"Why in gods name did I see Harry Styles talking to you last night, we're you being the slut I know you are"

James and I only got home and he started to question me. I thought he missed mine and Harry's interaction I guess not.

"Morrigan I'm talking to you" he continued

"Sorry I swear he just asked for my name"

"Stop lying to me you little bitch I know you were beggin him" he shouts as he gets closer to me backing me towards the wall in our living room. My body is shaking but my feet are frozen to my spot stoping me from moving any further.

You always hear people speak about fight, flight or freeze. I am most definitely a freezer prime example being right now. Fear takes over my body cutting off my use of my voice to plead at the beginning when I should really try to negotiate. Fear takes over my movement sticking me with glue to the floor allowing the thing my body fears to have full control. It's like i'm having an outer body experience.

"Your a slut always going around asking for it. I had one rule tonight, one! do not to talk to anyone, and what did you do speak to someone but not just anyone HARRY STYLES !!!!" he bellows at me.

Somehow I manage to voice myself timidly "Baby I promise you I didn't talk to him"

James eyes raise like I've done the most horrific thing in the whole entire world. Me obviously saying the wrong thing. I begin to beg and plead because I have no other options.

Silence wraps itself around me. I hate the silence. It's always silent before the storm. This is a storm I wanted to avoid tonight.

Ringing... my ears are ringing. He slapped me across the face whipping it to the right. My hand reaches up to try ease the sting. But it's no use as his fist connects with my eye before the pain from the first hit sets in.

I let out a whale as the pain overrides my body, my lungs ache with it with exhaustion already.

"Stop crying you deserve this so take it"

After I crumble to the ground, I open my eyes that have swollen fast already, the small amount that it will allow and I see his leg swinging back coming directly towards my stomach. I try to avoid it by angling my body away so his foot will hit my upper thigh.

"Morrigan Smith move again and this will take longer, you deserve this!"

I did I know I did but sometimes it's hard when it's constantly happening.

I deserve this

Repeating this phrase over and over again in my head as his foot pounds into my stomach, my begging and pleading turns to whimpers. This being a sign of him slowing down.

My eyes start to feel heavy and I try hard not to give in to the feeling of peace but if I go there it will be silent and I can't do anymore silence it means pain is coming. But I can't hold on any longer before my body gives in, hearing his footsteps fading away as I too fade from consciousness.


7 hours later

Sunshine, like what you would see after a storm. Warm comfortable sunshine on your skin and the sorrow tears of the sky hide away from the night before.

My eyes open not much but enough, well just my left eye my right seems to be a few days off from opening. And I see sunshine breaking through the curtains hung on the window sills.

No silence. Birds are chirping, the road outside is busy and the clock is ticking. I let out a sigh and try to move, grunting with the effort only getting my upper body to fall back onto the wall with my legs out ahead. I look up at the clock on the mantle 8:16am James will be gone for work and all by now, he didn't even bother to pick me up last night. I must be doing something wrong again he normally picks my up and places me on the couch wrapping me in a blanket.

Taking a moment to myself I finally push hard to get fully up and standing. Latching onto the wall I use it to steady myself towards the kitchen.

I see a note handwritten on the island with a rose next to it. So I reach for it and begin to read. It's from James telling me that he is sorry for last night and that he will make it up for me tonight. He gives me a list of chores to be done but thankfully there isn't as many as there usually is.

So I do what I do best put on my brave face and task myself with todays work. Taking a pain killer to try subsided the ache in my stomach and I drink a glass of water I don't think I have the energy to eat today so I head for a shower to wash off the memories of last night.

Passing the mirror on my way to the shower was horrible I looked disgusting. I deserved what I got but my face now has to pay the price for the next ten day. I'm practically purple.

The warm water heats my bones from the chill of sleeping on the floor last night. I scrub my arms my legs my stomach and hair washing away everything, every last feeling and germ from last night. Tears begin to form in my eyes I let them drop not being able to hold in my pain any longer.

I sob and sob in the shower till I can't anymore. Allowing myself that time of freedom before I have to work. Stepping out and putting on fresh tracksuit bottoms and a band tee I lay down on our bed. Closing my eyes for a moment attempting to stay awake but I can't the exhaustion by body feels from last night and now emotionally from my cry fest in the shower it's tankard out sending me into a sleep I desperately need but know will haunt me later.


an: how are we feeling

Something big is brewing!

comment my darlings
love you all
kt xoxo

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