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Authors notes at the end! It's import please read and let me know how you feel <3
Love you all


The vibrations and humming of an engine rakes through my body as I flutter my eyelids open slowly adjusting to the light and realise that I'm sitting in a large jeep with tinted windows.

It's just me in the back seats but I can see who ever my captive is in the front driving the jeep, it's just the two of us.

I look out the window cautiously as ever to get a grasp of my surroundings. Where am I am? I'm so disoriented at the moment it's like waking up from those really amazing naps but having absolutely no idea where the hell you are except this nap wasn't by choice or needed. It was forced on me and now I really have no idea where the hell I am.

I spot a run down garage that is spray painted colourful images all over the sides of the building and the pumps are tilted over and rusting. Further on I see an abandoned cinema.

I hold my breathe in excitement of realisation Harry has brought me here before this must be some kind of meeting place.


How in gods name am I going to tell Harry where I am, my phone was in my hand when this asshole kidnapped me and I'm definitely not holding it now so my guess is he has it.

My brain begins to turn its clogs as I list off everything Harry has taught me of this matter and what to do. Remembering something I decide I want to put a little twist on it and do it my way.

Being the little shit I've turned into I decide I want to fuck with him so I kick the back of my captives chair harshly sending him forward a bit "Hey!" I shout "Where the fuck are we, cause you've got the wrong girl here why don't you let me out here"

I see him look up into the rearview mirror to look into my eyes "oh Morrigan Smith I'm pretty sure I've the right person so why don't you just sit quietly in there and don't bother me" he tells me as he turns his car into the abandoned cinema

This might actually work in my favour if Harry realises what I'm trying to do as things start to click for me in my head.

"Well your really fucking stupid if you think people won't come for me" I say "I was heading to my friends D's house and was supposed to send a text to Harry when I get there" I use Davina's nickname so he has no idea who I am taking about incase he puts two and two together

"Now I know Harry doesn't have D's number so it most definitely has to be me to text him" I lie "so he's gonna be on high alert when he doesn't get a text from me" I whisper

All of my words don't necessarily shock the guy but it puts a rush onto whatever he had planned as he quickly jumps out of the front and opens my door dragging me out by the ties that has my two arms tied behind my back.

I wince slightly at the sharp feeling of my skin pulling and rubbing against the tight rope.

He tugs me along until we are in a large room that looks exactly as how a cinema would look if you left everything in it right this moment and walked out. The atmosphere is dreary I don't like this one bit.

"See me and D where supposed to watch a movie tonight and now it looks like I've forgotten to text him hmmm doesn't sound too good for you" I say planting information into his head I'm placing all my bets that this works right now otherwise I'm royally screwed.

I spot a wooden chair in the centre of the room but before I even make it to it I'm thrown on the ground with a hard and fast push knocking the air out of me when I land

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