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It's the end x

Listen to Found by Zach Webb

Dear Niall,

It doesn't seem quite right to even write something like this. Pen on paper, ink on page. For such an intimate moment or well a memory I guess.

Thank you Ni, for being my best friend, even though Davina will fight you to the end for that title. We can let her believe it but I know that deep down after everything it's you that guards that titled honour for me. My best friend.

You spotted me and my troubles that I believed were my own to bear and to never share from the moment we met and acted straight away without even knowing me properly. Your heart is so full with kindness and love to give to others with a cheeky grin on your face. I'm grateful for the times when I needed you, and you were there even if I thought I didn't deserve you and your company.

You were always there.

You looked after me like I was your little sister, sometimes even talked to me like I was too if I left the door to your room open for example, cheeky git so you are. Even though we weren't blood you took me in as though I was similar to Harry and I love you so much more for that.

Thank you for cracking a joke at a sensitive time or breaking into a contagious laugh when a bit of tension filled a room. You always know how to lighten a mood.

Thank you for looking after Harry before me, I know I can't change the fact I hadn't met Harry when he lost Ash, but I can still be so appreciative that he was able to have you by his side, his other brother to help him through the loss of one.

I'll be forever grateful for your continuously positive attitude day in and day out in times of need for both myself and Harry.

But I guess in this world of cruelty that we live in it was Harry's time, and I still don't understand why and I know you don't either. It's not fair and never will be fair but I guess that's what we have to face.

I'm struggling to get through with this and his absence. All of it is too much.

Why is the question that still is spiralling in my head around and around and around. Like water circling a drain, Why didn't I notice it sooner? Why didn't I pick up on any of the symptoms?
I'm at a loss, a big loss, we all are.

We lost our sunshine.

And the sun shining makes the day all that much easier.
I already miss the way my heart heats up from his presence and how his smile would grow so big two adorably cute dimples appeared on either side of his cheeks.

I really loved Harry Styles with my whole heart, every single bit of it and I know you did too.

We still do

He is my soulmate..was.

Because to me our souls instantly clicked, something between us that has been just so special I can't even find the right words to describe this feeling but I think that's what you and Taya have going on. He was the soul that when I crossed with him I just knew our paths were always meant to meet. Harry's presence makes me feel calm and safe and he is without a doubt the most special person I have ever had in my life and ever will have.

We made a promise though H and I.

That when the time was right we'd meet back at the flower field, a spot I took him to, a very special place to me.

We'd watch the sunset setting in the distance while we sat sipping on the biggest mugs of tea because that's the only way to do it, out of the mug no travel cups for us. In all honesty he'd probably complained about the travel cup otherwise.

But nonetheless we'd sit and listen to the long grass brush in the warm summer winds with all the pretty and colourful flowers in the distance waiting to be picked for a bouquet and a warm mug of tea in our hands talking about whatever we wanted to talk about not having a single care in the world.

I miss him, Ni. I really really miss him and it's that time now

To finally meet at the flower field

Because I love him

I can't wait to run into his arms once more and I know in time we'll both see you there too but that's not going to be for a long time, promise me that ok.

I love you Niall so much I can't even begin to try to explain it, not even my screams from the top of the empire state building would be loud enough to tell the world how much I love my best friend.

I've to go to our flower field now, carry us on.

So many kisses Niall so many kisses...


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