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TW: mention of rape and abuse


"What's wrong with him? He's been coughing the whole time. Is he smoking again?" Davina asks, looking towards the kitchen where Harry, Zayn and Niall are as we sit on the couch catching up on everything that has been going on. It's been awhile since we have seen each other so it was well needed.

"No, he has a bit of a cough the last few days" I worry

"I'm sure he's fine M-baby" she smiles kissing my forehead as we share a hug

"I know, he is always worrying about me. I can do the same you know" I stress anxiously

"Oh I don't doubt that" she giggles and I do too "Now come on spill all the details about the concert" she practically screeches

"Oh it was the best night ever, like it was so surreal. I haven't stopped smiling"

"I've noticed. And everything went ok with Harry and Sarah?"

"Yeh actually, me and Niall wanted to give them some space when we got there so we sat them beside each other and they spoke a lot. Couldn't shut them up at some stages, it was nice to see them catch up. He looked relaxed with her" I smile at how proud I am of my Harry

Before Davina can continue on with her questions, the three amigos come running in and jump on the couch from behind sliding down on top of us. Harry on me and Zayn on Davina smothering us in kisses all over our face and neck, Harry being cheeky and pinching my hips and he slots himself between my legs.

Niall just jumps in the middle still screaming trying to be annoying but just ends up laughing his head off. His laugh is always so carefree and contagious. I love it so much.

"Ok, ok, ok that's enough love birdies can we please get something to eat now because I am starving and I want to do something before M-baby has to go" Niall yaps

"Hey now you watch it mister!" Davina warns him glaring at him "One that is my nickname and two we were having a conversation here"

"She has a point" I whisper jokingly earning a childish gasp from Harry

"Do you not want our company?" he says holding a hand over his heart sparkling and fluttering his eyelashes at me trying to gain some sort of sympathy. Not today sucker.

"Sorry baby" I sigh, pushing the little curl he has off his forehead "I haven't seen my best friend in ages" and he giggles as I speak over exaggeratedly to him.

In turn pulling another gasp out, but from NIall this time "Oh so I see how it is were not best friends anymore, she's your new bestie" he pouts air quoting the word "bestie" pretending to be annoyed

"Jesus fuckin christ what is this a schoolyard fight?" Zayn murmurs flicking the lighter in his hand the flame burns the tobacco stick in his lips not even entertaining the lot of us.

Harry gives away and pushes himself off of me and I unknowingly pout, he leads down to peck my lips and I accept it willingly.

"Right then let's go you two, let them have a chat and we'll pick up food for them on our way back"

"Fine" Niall huffs and I giggle watching him still try to pretend he's pissed were not coming but really he doesn't give a shit because he's getting food.

Zayn only leans down and kisses Davina before telling her to call him immediately if something happens and she smirks back.

"I love you and we will be back before your appointment, ok?" Harry whispers, gaining back my full attention and I kiss his lips as an answer. 

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