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1 week later


"Where's my phone H? I can't find it anywhere!" Mor shouts anxiously. I say anxiously because she is hanging out with all my friends today. She's met everyone now but she has never hung out with them all together and it's safe to say she is a smidge nervous.

Couldn't tell you why, Davina will be there and as far as I know they are best mates. Girls confuse the shit out of me.

"Harry are you even looking" she accuses me from a different room

"Yes christ Mor I'm looking" I answer

She lets out a whine and a grunt. I pause, unsure who it's aimed at me or that phone of hers. "I can't find my shoes now"

Hearing her almost cry out afterwards I drop everything in my hands and race into where she is and I spot her phone on the dresser at the door on my way out so I pick it up and bring it with me. Scurrying into our bedroom I see Mor on her knees almost in tears and it breaks my heart that she is working herself up so much.

"Ok that is we're not going" I state and her eyes flick back and forwards at mine confused


"Darling I don't want you to be getting this upset about just hanging around my friends house. We can just stay in tonight and watch a movie and order some food so we don't have to cook" I try to bargain but it has her shaking her head immediately at me.

"No H we do that most nights, your friends invited us over it would be rude not to go. And I'm not working myself up I'm fine" She firmly tells me with tears threatening to spill in her waterline.

I pout at her and cross my arms "What's all this then?" I lip at her and she only looks around at the mess she is sitting in and laughs.

Joining her on the floor I hand her the missing phone pulling her into a bear hug and she smiles "I'm sorry just a bit nervous" she mumbles

"I couldn't tell" I retort smartly gaining a small scoff

Completely distracting herself she points out ahead of her over my shoulder "Look there they are!" I hum turning around to see what she is looking at and I howl with laughter "Love they were on the shoe rack the whole time"

Pulling up to Zayn and Davina's home was ok. Morrigan had calmed down significantly after me, holding her in a crushing hug for twenty minutes before she deemed it enough and said we had to get going. She grabbed a gift bag that had been left at the door and dragged me out telling how late we were going to be. I asked her what was in the gift bag and she responded to me like I was five year old "It's a wine bag Harry fill in the blanks". She's getting cheeky these days, spending way too much time with Niall that's what it is.

Hand in hand we walk up the driveway together, Mor squeezing mine a little tighter than normal. I lean forward and whisper into her ear "You'll be fine daring and after this I have an extremely fun night for the two of us". Her freckled cheeks blush a rosy colour just as Davina opens the front door with a grin.

"M-Baby" she shrieks and launches herself into Morrigan's arms breaking the hold we had on each other apart.

"Hi Dee" Mor beams, pulling back and Davina leaves a sloppy kiss on Mor's cheek, shocking her a little bit and I laugh loudly at her reaction.

"Oh thank god you brought a happy Harry with you!" D exclaims and I pretend to pout annoyed at her "Come in already!" making Mor remember the real reason we are here and I see the walls going back up that she broke down to get herself here brick by brick.

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