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^^^ I want a hug like that from H^^^


It's been 3 weeks, Morrigan has been doing much better than I expected.

She is up and moving around the house trying to do all the house work. Niall has to keep stopping her reminding her of all her injuries and how she isn't affecting her health and all that jazz but has she listened once..... no. That girl is stubborn I'll tell you that, she's almost giving Niall a run for his money.

I think James ingrained this behaviour into her I mean they were together for 8 months that is 278 days.

That's a long time with a person like him.

Her body reacts to this pain differently than others because of him not allowing her rest after the shit he puts her through. I'm worrying how much this has happened to her, for her body to just try bounce back this fast like after the her body just shut down. He must have had her on a strict minute to minute schedule to make sure she worked no matter what.

I hear the sounds plates clinking together and Stevie nicks singing throughout the house as I come down the stairs.

Low and behold Mor is in the kitchen cleaning away with two bowls of breakfast for me and Niall out and ready for us.

"You should be resting" I scolded her as my way of greeting her. Her body jumps at the sound of me ruining her cleaning buzz. She still isn't used to people speaking to her normally and just having a conversation with her. I know in her previous life she could be able to have a normal conversation you can see the remembrance of it in her eyes, but he did this, he destroyed her quality of life, so much so that she can seem to only remember a little of what it was like to be surrounded by people who aren't going to hurt her.

"Harry I've already told you I need to make my keep here I can't just live here with you guys and not do anything"

"I know you've mentioned. But for now your going to take a break, you still not to 100% you keep working your body too hard. If you keep it up it will give out again" I say

Mor's face drops a little at the mention of the word again.

"Has that happened before?" I question

Mor looks back up at me her face black with a tinge of fear "What happened before?" She tries to respond innocently.

I sigh "Morrigan please just tell if that has happened before your body giving out, we haven't properly had a conversation about this." Her head timidly nods.

"Ok, and what did you do" I ask staring directly at her

And I'll tell you that she's quick to avoid my stare attempting to busy herself by cleaning turning around. I cut her nonsense by shouting her name. It sends a shock down her body and I see her spine stiffen and lock into place I watch as her muscles tighten in fear from the volume of my voice.


"Mor Darling, I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout" I apologise "just please stop avoiding the question and answer me I need to know how bad this is"

Her body turns back to face me slowly bringing her face to meet mine across the kitchen. Her eyes are rimmed with tears threatening to drop but she proudly holds them in.

I'm proud she did too.

"I'm not sure how many times" she whispers "but.. em" she pauses not able to speak further.

"Darling we've been though this all in your own time remember" she nods back and a faint yes is released.

She takes a few deep breathes focussing on a point, the kitchen cabinet. I watch her inhale and exhale for a little while, I watch her count her fingers to keep herself calm. I wait patiently knowing she is going to answer my question and then she finally has the courage to continue.

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