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The agonising sounds of a fit of coughs is what wakes me, Harry's coughs.

I sit myself up in the bed to look around the room that he's not in. Checking the time as I get up to go find him I notice it is 3:23am and I start to worry a little bit more.

Why didn't he wake me?

He won't admit it but he is overworking himself I'm quite sure of it. I've never seen him so sick since recently but being the stubborn man he says 'he is fine' and most certainly 'does not need to go to the doctors'.

I worry though. How can I not?

I walk quickly to get to the bathroom, I wish I could just wrap him in bubble wrap and cuddle him so whatever this bug is can pass faster.

"Baby?" I whisper making it known I'm here. I wrap my arms around his body from behind pulling his broad body into my small frame clutching onto him as I plant soft kisses along his shoulder when I'm on my tippy toes.

"Oh its ok darling-" he pauses to cough "go back to bed i'll be in to you in two" he tries to argue before I can tell him off for not waking me up.

"H...your still sick hang on-" I jump and turn to walk downstairs pointing at him "I got another cough bottle for you yesterday at the shops one second" I run down as fast as I can hearing him shouting to 'slow down' on my way. I pass Niall's room and hear loud obsessive moaning and gag holding my hands over my ears, I run a little bit faster after that.

I grab the bottle in the medicine press and turn to run back up the stairs but when I get to the top I remember Niall so I put the bottle in my mouth and place my hands back on my ears and sing "la la la la" all the way back to mine and Harry's room.

I only stop once I am in front of him whilst he smirks at me. It's only then I realise how utterly ridiculous I look as he takes the bottle from my mouth and I burst into laughter stopping my singing.

His sweet laughter joins mine and I look up at him as he tries to get his question out without toppling over from his giddiness "What are you doing silly girl?"

I shudder and laugh some more at the thought "Niall has someone over and I heard all of it, more so all of her" I shudder some more as Harry only laughs further. He picks me up and twirls me around.

In turn my laugh follows him till he breaks into another fit of coughs and I smack his arm lightly to tell him to put me down so I can tend to him.

"Oh my Harry" I mumble rubbing his back as I lead him to our bed, medicine bottle in hand.

"He's dirty that Niall one isn't he" he jokes mid cough and I give him a small smile but it doesn't reach my eyes as I'm still watching him and his body weary of how he is playing this sickness down.

I go to reach for a spoon on the bedside table "oh for fuck sake I forgot a spoon urgh" I groan earning a childlike laugh from Harry and I give him a sharp look "Harryyyyy" I groan even louder "I have to go by his room again" I'm only short of crying at the thought.

I really don't want to experience the sounds that that woman is making again.

"Darling ha ha-" he can't even hold back his laughter, whilst I stay completely serious. I know we are loud in bed but by god does this woman have a set of lungs on her "I'll just take it from the bottle.....see" he demonstrates by taking a large gulp of the cough medicine.

"Fine" I grunt and walk back around the bottom of the mattress to my side and slide back in under the covers, Harry still laughing slides himself back under and inches his way closer and closer towards me until we are face to face and chest to chest.

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