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The feeling of fresh linen and the smell of my room invades my senses. How the hell did I get home?

I go to sit up but I have to plonk myself backdown with a thud, my head, god I swear I can hear my heartbeat in my head. Is that what that thumping is. I think I drank too much last night.

From the small crack in my door the smell of bacon wafts in and instantly my mouth salivates. Ugh I love bacon. I get up much slower this time thankful the blinds only allow a little light through. I check the time on my white noise machine, 12:33pm, I slept in.

Wait I don't remember turning on my white noise machine, shit, I didn't wake up through the night though. I didn't have a nightmare. Progress, however I don't think I'll be repeating that mistake again tonight.

I start question why in gods name I got up and then get a refresher as the smell of bacon graces my nose again and I let a groan out unable to contain myself. Greasy food I need greasy food.

I haven't had a hangover in ages I forgot what this feels like and I still hate it, last night was fun but screw this shit my head kills.

I push myself to stand and make the dreaded walk to the kitchen, shit I'm parched I need water. I'm never drinking again.

Walking into the kitchen I see Harry cooking breakfast and groan again. He turns around quickly at me announcing my presence quite loudly his face looks confused and shocked why is he looking at me like that.


He says nothing and just quirks an eyebrow as I sit down on one of the stools at the island holding my head in my hands.

"Rough night?" He asks with a smirk

"Shhhh too loud shut up"

He huffs out a laugh and goes back to making the food. A second later a cup of coffee is place in front of me making my eyes open back up I let another groan out. Harry coughs violently giving me another look.

"Ok what is it Harry?" I question him getting irritated by his looks. Hungover Mor gets pissed of easily. I take a big gulp of the coffee to wake me up, milk and two sugars perfect.

"Em just when em *he coughs again* you groan it's tad sexual love"

My eyebrows shoot up and I choke on my coffee. Dirty fucker omg. He just goes back to cooking like it's nothing and I refuse to comment.

I hear footsteps coming toward the kitchen thank god Niall's coming I need someone to break this tension. But to say I was shocked when a petite blonde women walks casually into the kitchen passing me and Harry and goes straight to the fridge.

Harry looks and Me and I look at him lost at what the fuck is going on.

"Em hello" I say

She haunts her search of what ever she through was gonna be in the fridge and turn to the two of us with a smile. The blonde is only wearing an oversized t-shirt. I notice at the same time as Harry that it's his top. Oh shit maybe he was making this girl breakfast, fuck I'm cockblocking am I. But before I can go to leave he hold his hand up at her

"Where'd u get that top that's mine" She smiles at him

"Oh Niall gave me it" Harry lets a curse out at her while I just last taking another sip of my coffee. Never mind not Harrys girl. Why did that bother me.

"Of course he did"

"Yous two have fun last night" the blonde says making me spit out my coffee again coughing violently.

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