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The phone in my back pocket is buzzing like crazy




I'm still stood frozen to the spot eyes on Mor's shocked face as she listens intently to the tv that is plastered with James' face. Fuck.

I look down to her mother Annie, her hand is holding her open mouth closed with horror.

Just moments ago I heard the front door open and close filled with giggles from the three of them it put a real big smile on my face as I was stirring my tea. I'm happy Mor and her sisters just clicked back into the swing of things in their relationship. So I happily walked into a sitting room to go back chatting to her mother as I heard footsteps running up the stairs letting the three have more time together.

But when I walked in and saw that assholes face on the tv and the news lady saying how he had gone missing after the explosion. My heart dropped. And that's when my phone went ballistic non stop buzzing people trying to get in contact with me from pink.

And when my eyes finally looked away from the tv I see Mor standing in the doorway on the opposite side of the room I knew I was fucked.

All has to come out now.

She's grown so much these past 5 months. To watch her go from someone so meek and terrified to a women who is a lot more confident still scared and jumpy but relaxing into life again. It's almost heartbreaking that she needs to know this so soon. I wanted her to have more time first.

I hear the dreaded news women continue her speech

"...after authorities looked further into this report revolving James Bass it was noticed that his ex girlfriend Morrigan Smith" at her words I watched Mor's eyes break contact with mine to study the women speaking in the television. "Who he was seen with at many events sources tell us as pictures were rarely taken that 3 months into their relationship she was pronounced dead at the scene of a car crash"

All ready I can see where this is heading I cringe at what is about to be said. Reaching forward to find the remote to turn the tv off. Mor swats my hand away from the remote giving me a deathly look. I pull back terrified for her next reaction.

"But it has come to authority's attention that this document was forged and Morrigan Smith is alive and well. Police are questioning whether Morrigan is the reason for James Bass' disappearance"

Annie shrieks "what!"

My eyes still trained on Morrigan not budging since the moment I saw her watching this awful report. She can't speak, she can barely move she likes a statue, she looks like she can barely breathe. Fuck she looks like she can barely breathe.

Rushing from one side in the room to the other as calmly as I can without startling her I call he name softly "Mor darling" eventually her eyes fixate themselves on mine.

"Cant- breathe" she struggles to get out gripping her chest trying to pull at the material of her top.

"Just breathe with me M ok remember" she nods still gasping pulling even harder at her chest "in two, three, four there you go and out two, three, four" I gently reach forward and place my hands over hers trying to stop her from scraping her chest badly. There is a long red scratch mark along her neck Ijust want to prevent her from getting anymore.

It's wrecking me that she has even one mark on her perfect body.

"M come on focus on me" I say as she flicks her head around "deep two, three, four, and out two, three, four, five"

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