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I've never been this scared in my whole life.

The nurses had to keep coming in to check on me because my heart rate was rising too high all night. I couldn't sleep terrified James would find a way into my room.They sent him home when visiting time was up thank god. When Doctor Horan left the room it was horrific. He kept giving out asking me what I was thinking and how it was all my fault.

I'm sitting in my hospital facing the window in a ball crying silently sniffing every so often. I can only imagine what I look like, my eyes must be swollen red.

All of a sudden I hear a commotion outside my room, I pause my crying praying it isn't James. I look to the clock, it's only 5:45 visiting hours aren't till 9. No no no. Please don't be James coming to take me. My tears take over and I begin to repeat no no no out loud.

My door opens too gently. I hold my breathe.

I hear a nurse whisper shouting after the person.

"You can't be here, please come back at 9 when visiting hours are!"

"Niall said it was ok don't worry" they say in an accent tinged with a deep sense to it. I feel like I recognise it, I hope it's my brother I really miss him.

"Oh-em ok but please be quick"

Footsteps round my bed and I hear the person sit down on the armchair next to my bed. I flutter my eyes open to see who it is.

I let a small exasperated breathe go.

It's Harry Styles.

"Hi Darling" he whispers. His hand reaches to grab mine but it freezes half way over when my body flinches back.

"Y-you can-n't be here" I stutter shyly tear still escaping my eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt you Darling, it's ok. Your safe now" he tells me.

"What?" I say confused. What is he taking about where would I be safe. Nowhere. James will find me anywhere so go, he's told me so. I sit myself up in the bed using the remote to try be more alert to what he is saying. He waits before answering me.

"Darling your safe, i've got you now"

"no, no please no" I beg, my voice cracking. "He's gonna come after me it's ok, leave me don't worry I'll be ok"

His head shakes I see his jaw tighten. "He is not going to touch you ever again Morrigan I swear it."

"You can't be sure of that he has his ways. And he knows lots of people" I state but he cuts me off.

"Darling when I say he's not coming near you, he is not coming near you and I know a lot more people than he does" his serious tone helps me understand he's telling the truth.

"So..... i'm ok" I ask for reassurance

He nods his head while saying "You ok now Darling"

I break down immediately sobs racking through me. I've never felt this sort of relief ever. He rushes to me thinking something is wrong.

"Morrigan what's wrong your ok now"he attempts to console me.

"I'm ok, i'm ok, i'm ok" I repeat trying to believe my own words. He joins in. Repeating this same phase over and over again holding my hand.

My crying settles and I look at Harry in the eyes.

"Can- can I give you a hug?" I ask

"Yes Darling"

I jump at the opportunity and wrap my small arms around his muscular body. "Thank you" I whisper.

"I've got you" he says holding me tightly.

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