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Ok so maybe me taunting this asshole wasn't the best idea.

In hindsight he sent the message to Harry for me but now my head is pounding and I can't see straight, the room is doing circles around my head.

I'm placing everything on that Harry gets my cryptic message I've hidden.

I know he will

He has too

Otherwise it looks like I'm going to be road kill.

It's actually crazy to think how fast paced my life actually is like one moment I was scared to meet my family after being separated from them for so long and then the next I was relaxing back into the casual swing of things with my family and of course Harry. And then I find out James was well I guess still is 'missing' ,I loose all my brain cells and finally give into the urge of locking lips with Harry.

And now, I'm sitting here tied to a chair in the middle of an abandoned cinema because I was so angry at Niall and Harry for lying to me that I left the house not checking my surrounds and got kidnapped and this all happened in the last give or take 24hrs.

But right now all I can hear is silence and it's burning my ears.

I know for a fact that whoever has taken me had no idea that I can't stand to be in silence but just by everything being so utterly quite I'm terrified.

James did this, he made me scared of the silence. When he went quite or the house went quite I never knew what to expect next.

This anxiousness that is oozening out of me at the moment is down to the silence, and also maybe a little is down to the confidence that I had at the beginning is now dwindling.

I'm scared alright

"Wakey wakey!" A voice screeches in my ear making my exhausted and drowsy body jump.

Seeing a blurry figure before me holding chains I hear the sound of the loops clashing against each other. Fuck sake I can't catch a break.

I've gone through many stages of realisation in the last six months and I think my mind and body is at the state of numbness. I feel like a walking zombie these days so what ever this asshole thinks he can throw at me I'll take it.

I can barely feeling anything as it is might as well try pull some pain and screams out of me I'll probably laugh.

"Wake the fuck up, your boring when your passed out no fun for me"

"Leave me alone" I speak with a almost disappointed tone, there still no sign of Harry and I certainly have zero perception of time at the minute I couldn't tell you how long I've been missing or how long I passed out for just there.

My brain is fuzzy

"She speaks!" He yells swinging the chains around creating a lashing sound on the ground making me push inwards into my seat not getting very fair due to my restraints.

"Oh piss off" I mutter almost shrieking at my impulsive action. I'm asking myself why I keep taunting him but I already know the answer.

I don't care

Surprising me he unravels the ties on my feet and then wraps the chains around my legs I try to get a kick in as he works but my body is too tired to move fast or hard enough to hurt him.He scoffs a laugh at my feeble attempt disheartening me.

"Stay fuckin still bitch" he seethes

"No" I push wriggling my body more with a taunting grin on my face "what you gonna do about it" I continue wanting to push him further.

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