
905 21 1

TW: violence


2 days prior {Wednesday}


"Well she's not with you daisy!"

I hear the light footfall of the boys down the hall, silently tip toeing to the door way. They are so quite you would miss their light sounds over me and James' bickering other than the fact I'm listening out for it.

"Styles let's make this easy ok, a deal" ah he's going by my surname bitch boy must be nervous

I scoff "a deal are you psychotic, you must be considering you think you leaving this building" he gulps at my words. He knows he's out numbered, I'd bet money he didn't tell anyone he was coming here looking for trouble because they would think he's mad. Which he most definitely is.

"Look Styles..."

"Don't look styles me, sit the fuck down and listen to me" he hesitates at my order "I said SIT THE FUCK DOWN!" I shout

Terror fills his face as he moves backward to sit on the chair he just rose from. "Not that chair idiot, this one" I say kicking the chair before me. He moves again standing up and walking around the table to sit on the other chair with caution. As he get to it his head flicks from the doorframe, my body and the chair rapidly.

What a fuckin muppet he is really gonna try run. I smirk daring him to, he does and I let him knowing Niall and the others are waiting for him to pull this shit.

Lo and behold I hear shouts and he comes back in being held by Niall and Zayn on each arm.

"Don't fuckin touch me!" He shouts

Niall laughs "Listen hear Jamessss you better hope someone is looking over you because your gonna need it"

James' eyes bulge "please boys this is a misunderstanding, let's just make a deal, this won't end up well for you all" he says as he struggles to get out of their hold.

We all just look at him like he's talking pure bullshit because he is. Niall and Zayn throw him in the chair whilst Mitch and Marcus come in the room with restraints to tie him down.

I just sit back and watch it all unfold with a straight face not allowing this dip shit to see any emotions other than coldness this entire time. Just like the way he treated Mor, constantly giving her the cold shoulder but keeping her close enough to hold power of dominance over her. He disgusts me.

This disgust being present on Niall's face at him is just brilliant, it's striking fear in the bitch boy James and I'm loving it. A big toothy grin is plastered on Niall's face right before he jams his pocket blade into James left hand that rests on the arm of the chair.

We all listen to him whale in pain

"Fuckin deserve it" Mitch mumbles. He doesn't talk unless he means it.

"Please Styles come let's figure this out" he begs putting his attention on me across the room. I move myself to sit in my arm chair where he sat moments ago just before he was immobilised by my men.

I scoff shaking my head looking down at the ground. This fuckin idiot thinks he can strike a deal, we'll then I'm gonna like him think he really can.

"Fine enlighten me" Niall's glare towards me could cut my head clean off. He's pissed but he will catch on.

James looks shocked at my answer as if he knew I'd never ever give him a chance to explain himself or even bother to listen to his offer.

"Well em We ca-n" he stutters "Spit it out" I jar him.

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