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*lil bit of guns and death

Also this is a double update make sure you read this first!


Its Wednesday

We left Mor completely out of this arrangement to deal with James. Davina is gonna babysit her without her knowing, seen as she's met her already thanks to Niall.

I swear, you tell the boy one thing don't introduce Mor to anyone till I'm there and make sure she is ok with it, but no he did it his way.

D gave out shit to me when she saw me. Saying something about Niall having the right idea or something. Moral of the story Niall is a little shit.

We all arrived at the club this morning early as shit. I had everyone in the bar for 2:45am no later so we would have time to suit up and pack to leave for 3:15am and be at James' warehouse for 4am. It's on the outskirts of town meaning we have a long way to go. He's getting a package at 5 so everything is going to be perfect.

Louis is an organiser so he had everything planned down to the littlest of details while me and Marcus just hovered observing making sure he didn't fuck it up.

Marcus took the news close to home when I rang and told him what happened with Mor. He was there for me previously so he knows just like Niall how this all effected me and how this situation with Mor teared open that wound again.

He's staying by my side a lot recently probably Niall's doing as well as his own. They are probably scheming with each other on how to protect me and my flimsy emotions. But I don't think they understand I'm fine, it's Mor we need to worry about.

Niall banned me from taking care of her because he told me in her words that 'Harry makes this face, he looks at me with sadness and anger I think he is disappointed in me'. And she's fuckin right I'm angry I couldn't see the signs, I'm angry I wasn't there to stop her, I'm angry I didn't help her more, I'm sad because she was hurting and I didn't notice and then I think how much has she been overlooked previously and wasn't noticed about her feelings. How many people have done what I've just done. My brain could come up with thousands of reasons why I fucked up. So now I am sent to work each day barely getting to talk to her.

Ringo's gang is following us tonight for backup the more the merrier. We are gonna need the hand, James tribe of a gang are heartless and have no morals. Pink and Ringo's are ruthless there is no denying it but these guys are dangerous. I'm not even scared of them and what they will do to me its just that they are so careless and they flaunt it.

To be honest they are all just idiots

I had my car fully stocked from yesterday, guns, amo and grenades. I'm just sitting in my car with Niall waiting for everyone else to finish and Ringo's gang to show up here. They said they would be here at 3am sharp and they are punctual fuckers.

I hear roars of engines I look at the clock 2:58am, Ringo's. I rev up my own signalling for the rest of Pink to get in their cars and be ready to leave in 15.


We pull up to James warehouse I can see the sun rising on the horizon, we need to get in fast set up and get all our men out, their cars would draw too much attention. Only mine, Marcus', Mitch(head of Ringo's) and Zayn's car will be left. Zayn has Theo, Cas and Louis in his car ready to fight.

5am rolls around and I see three cars pulling into the car park, James and his posse no less. We successfully got in and out unnoticed and raided the shit out of the place. Bitch boy is gonna be in for a real treat when he opens the door.

From a distance we watch four figures fall out of one car, two from the second and three from the third, we are too far away to catch who each person is but we know exactly who should be doing the exchange when they're shipment comes in.

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