
685 13 12

TW: mentions of suicide, alcoholism


Harry recovered from the little bug he got by yesterday morning and jumped straight back into working, something I protested wanting him to take at least one more day for himself to fully recover.

However since he has been home this afternoon he's been pacing back and forwards in the living room and kitchen. He is going to burn holes in the bottom of his shoes if he keeps this up.

"Harry, do you want camomile tea?" I ask thinking it might relieve him from some stress

He stops and finally looks up from his phone with a sigh and rubs his forehead. "Can I just have a normal cup?" he replies timidly from tiredness

"Are you sure you seem pretty stressed H"

"Yes Mor, just an english breakfast please if you're making one" he tells me once more

"Ok, ok I'm having one anyways.Sit over on the couch and i'll be over in two" I say to him pointing over into the sitting room.

In the past month or so we have become accustomed to each other and our needs and wants. We have little spats here and there as everyone would but all together we've become ever so dometic. Comfortable around each other. Recently I caught myself using that word a lot, comfort and how comfortable I am around him. I never felt like this with James.

The bug knocked him out of it for two days but the moment he started to come around you could see the anxiety ridden guilt all over his face. I have no idea what's gotten him so scared and shook up that he hasn't said a word. I know something is bothering him.

"Here you go" I say, handing him his mug, with loads of different cartoon dogs on it, and he says he's not a softy. He's had this mug since before he knew me.

"Thank you darling"

I sit myself next to him with my own tea in hand. I curl my fingers around the cup trying to keep all the heat it radiates. I watch him as he takes a cautious sip from the cup as his right leg bounces up and down. It's like he can't stop, he has to keep moving. He lets out a yelp and I look back to his face as he is pulling the cup away and his tongue is hanging from his mouth. He burnt his tongue.

"Harry slow down, I made you tea to try to relax you a little. You are trying to inhale it"

He nods solemnly "yeh I know"

I hug mine to my chest as he puts his down and turns his body so we are facing each other. He's quite, like he doesn't know what to say. Well more like he knows what to say just doesn't know how to get it out.

"Harry something is bothering you" I state and his scoffs

"No im fine"

"I'm going to use your own words on you. Anyone who says they are fine aren't" and this gets a smile out of him. It doesn't last anywhere near as long as I had hoped though "what's on your mind? You know you can talk to me, but if you don't feel comfortable to tell me that's ok as well" I reassured him.

He nods knowingly "I know Mor, and I do by the way. I do feel comfortable with you, it's just hard for me to talk about this. I don't like to talk about my family"

His admission helps me and what I need to do. It's about his family, and he has never spoken about them. I invited Sarah to his birthday three weeks back, if anything I'd say it has to do with that. So I lay my guess out.

"Can I ask you a few questions then?" I say to make sure he's ok with me probing and he nods I smile again

"Harry. What have you always said to me....words" I get a shy giggle out of him before he gives me a verbal yes.

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