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I have been thinking a lot recently, my brain has just been nonstop.

I've been getting really bad headaches the past few days since my chat with Harry and it's Wednesday now. I've been trying to sleep it off but I'm failing immensely. Every time I close my eyes there is new worry's that I picture.

Niall being Niall has been keep a close eye on me as he says. I just feel like I'm in a constant daydream.

I can't stop myself from wondering what my family are doing and how they think of me. I know Harry said they will still love me, but I can't help doubting myself. I left with no word, no trace, cut all ties to my family and friends not that I had many after I started going out with James but still you get my point.

How could they not hate me I just disappeared. I won't blame them if they do. Harry will probably put on his big bad boy face (that's what I like to call it Niall thinks it's genius) that I've seen him put on a few times for those work calls, to try and threaten them when I am not looking. I'll have to warn him if we go.

"Morrrrrrrr can we go out tonight" Davina says jumping me out of my daydream I'm stuck in again.

"Oh em I dunno we would have to ask Niall and Harry can I go"

"No remember we talked about this you are your own person you can make your own decisions"

I nod still unsure about changing the ways I was in. It's a little strange but I'm slowly getting used to this new and better change.

"No Mor say it allowed I am my own person and...." She waits for me to finish her sentence.

"And I can make my own decisions"

"Yeh you can!" She cheers I laugh with her and begin to cheer with her.

"But seriously can we please go out tonight Zayn is away on a work trip with Louis and I really wanna go out and your my best friend who loves me very much so I know you will come out with me" I just giggle at her

"I'll think about, I don't have any to wear first of all and secondly I haven't been to a club in a year"

"One you can borrow my clothes and two it doesn't matter we are gonna go to Harry's club it will be fineeeee we're looked after there and we get free drinks all night" she says convincing me more and more.

"Well if we are getting free drinks..."

She jumps off the couch overjoyed screaming I sit watching her jump up and down untill she reaches for me and pulls me up with her. With a laugh I join in because why not.

Next we hear another voice screaming along with us and I look to the right with shock and a little laughter seeing Niall running towards us jumping up and down sporadically.

"Ahhhhh YAYYY!" Davina counties to scream I can't myself from laughing now. I haven't laughed this hard in ages.

Eventually Niall slows us down and asks with a smile in my direction "sooo what are we jumping and screaming for??"

"Mor is gonna go clubbing with me tonight !!"

Niall freezes his smile fading slightly but not by much he turn his focus back on me. I'm aware what he's thinking now.

"It's ok I'll be fine Niall" I say and he relaxes himeself

"Ok if your sure"

"She doesn't need your approval to go out let her be" Davina fights

"D.." I say telling hers it's ok and let it go

"I know she doesn't I'm just making sure she's ok this could be a lot for her"

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