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Ear piercing screams woke me.

My body shot up, my hands reaching for my gun on the nightstand.


My mind begins to work. Racing over who could have gotten in. How they got in. Who i'm going to kill. How i'm going to kill them. All your average thoughts.

Expect one.


Nobody better not have touched a hair on her skin or I will rip their skin of them alive with joy. I felt a sort of protectiveness over her the moment I met her. It's strange.

My feet hit the wooden floors as I run to Morrigan's room with a bang. I hear Niall closing in behind me. I don't spare him a glance I know he's got my back.

The screaming. I almost go to cover my ears from how my ears ache from the sharpness of it.

Sobs and pleads start

"Don't fuckin touch her" I shout as I swing open her bedroom door only to notice there is nobody near her.

"Niall search-"I begin but he cuts me off "already on it"

I go towards her and notice her body trembling and her tears stained cheeks.

A nightmare

My heart drops to my stomach. James has caused this girl this much trauma in her life for her to be here, screaming and pleading for her life in her sleep. When she supposed to be able to go to relax, be peaceful and get some well needed rest.

She can't even do that anymore.

I sit on the side of her bed whilst her body trashes.

"No please just let me go I promise I won't do it again" she screams

I grab her shoulders and try shake her awake shouting her name over her whaling.

"All clear Harry." Niall states walking back into the bedroom from the bathroom. He notices Morrigans trembling body knowing immediately what's wrong from years of being friends with me. "I'll get water" he says walking out the room looking over his shoulder.

"Sir please let me get to the room you can have me then please, please" Morrigan shouts as my eyes are still on Niall his eyebrows shoot up and mine do too my head snaps back to her hers.

Morrigans eyebrows are pinched together like she's in pain it almost makes my eyes water but I have a job to do.Wake her up and calm her down.

"Niall go get water fast"

"I deserve it, I deserve it, I deserve it" she begins to repeat over and over again. My eyes begin to brim my heart hurts with each new word she says.

I begin to shake her harder shouting "Morrigan wake up it's a nightmare "

Her eyes shoot open gasping.

She looks around anxiously still gasping for air not being able to get enough into her lungs from fear.


That does it, her eyes lock on mine unable to contain a stable rhythm.

"It was a nightmare breathe with me darling" I count to three and out for 5 and ask her to copy me.

We keep this up till it syncs out. Niall walks back in with a fast pace glass of water in hand he hands it to me and leaves. He's never been good with confrontation of others emotions it frightens him seeing others upset.

"Darling your ok keep breathing it was a nightmare" I begin to stroke her hair she flinched for a moment but eases into the touch.

"Nightmare" she repeats I nod

"I- em I can't sleep with out a noise machine" she admits. I watch her face for a reaction but she goes on "I don't like the silence something bad always happens" her head drops in embarrassment and her crying continues.

"That's ok, i'll get one tomorrow for you is that ok" I say leaning in for a hug. Her head falls to my chest and she grasps my side strongly. Holding on for dear life.

"Ok thank you"

I let a small smile out while she isn't looking. She accepted help without being persuaded. Improvement.

I hold her for a little while longer handing her the water coaxing her to drink from it. She's cried so much in the last day she needs to refill her body with all that water or she will pass out. That's all Niall has been doing all day since she's been home, handing her bottles of water.

"Ok darling, I'm going to leave you now your ok" I say as I get up to leave but her hands stop me.

"No" she says too quickly still gripping me.

"Could you maybe stay?" she asks but when her eyes finally lift she almost is hit with a realisation of where she is and who she's with and shuts down her own question. "Actually it's ok don't worry i'm ok".

"Scoot over" I say swishing my hand at her signalling her to mover her body over. Her shocked expression tells me everything. She moves allowing me to lay down.

"You better not snore" I say and it elicits a small smile on her lips.

"I don't I hope you don't"

I place her on my chest protectively

"This is only for tonight ok" I tell her.

"I know thank you H"

H. That's new.

I hear little snores escape her lips and deep breathes from her nose and I sigh relaxing that she's fine for the moment.

"I'll always be there for you Darling" I whisper knowing she's asleep so she won't be able to hear me. Then I chuckle.

I run my thumb across her face and brush her hair off her face "You little liar you do to snore"


an: short but a cute one.

I want to thank you all that are reading along <3 sending kisses

don't forget to comment & vote please !!!
love you all
kt xoxo

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