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I feel like a diamond necklace, absolutely wonderful to look at but people do nothing more then that. I feel like a jewel being auctioned off while these people stare at me. Well not really me but James' arm candy.

After what happened in the kitchen he rushed me to get ready for his event saying it was my fault we were running late, I suppose he was right. In the car on the way over I was given strict instructions not to speak to anyone, that there were bad people here tonight and I wouldn't be able to handle there "manly" conversations. You'd swear he thought I never went to college.

James kept true to his word, I was not allowed to wear the dress that showed my arms, I had to recycle an old dress I wore for the Christmas party. I suppose it's ok, simple and plain but flatters me I guess that's what James says.

James is parading me around his "boys" now. Trying to prove a point that he is the boss. Who knew that eight months after meeting this man it meant that i'm not a teacher anymore and am attending the biggest criminal events in New York.

Excusing myself from the conversation to get a drink, James grabs my arm whispering in my ear "Don't even think about drinking".
"Just getting some fresh air be back in a moment" smiling to lighten the spat and walk away slowly trying not to create any attention on me. He will have it at me later if I do.

I look back just to be sure he doesn't mind but when I do he's to immersed in the conversation too busy look at me. Perfect a break.

Sighing into a relaxing walk I turn back aroundbut walk straight into someone's broad chest. His arms reach out to catch me before I fall on my ass, thank god I don't think I'd be able to deal with the embarrassment.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking" a say quietly keeping my head down. If James sees i'm talking to someone i'll be dead.

His hand reached forward and grasped my chin. Lifting my head up. The strong scent of vanilla embraced me.

"Don't be sorry darling, my bad" the mysterious man spoke. Looking directly into my eyes his being a gorgeous shade of jade. Like two emeralds in a room of darkness, I can't look anywhere else. The dark shade of his eyeliner drawing you towards the green.

"Sorry I'll get out of your way, again I really didn't mean it" I repeat. I don't want him to think badly of me or he will report back to James.

Emerald eyes' eyebrows shoot up looking at me confused almost. I must have done something wrong he looks annoyed at me.

"Darling I said it was ok, let me get you a drink you look tense"

"No honestly i'm really sorry, thank you for your offer on the drink but I am going to have to kindly decline"

"Stop apologising and i'm buying you a drink" emerald eyes states more seriously.

This time I don't decline to scared too. So I follow eyes to the bar swivelling my head around to make sure James hasn't noticed. He calls down the bar tender asking for a scotch and fruity drink.

"Who you looking for Darling....the boyfriend?"

"Em ye- em yes my boyfriend James" I begin to stutter, I can't talk to people anymore. He looks at me like i'm a puzzle he's trying to figure out.

"What's the name darling?"

"Morrigan sir"

He continues to look at me, but his eyes don't look at me like the others like i'm some jewel or diamond necklace. It's almost comforting.

"Your not going to ask for my name" he asks almost soundly like he's challenging me.

"Sorry, I apologise how rude of me" I drop my head with embarrassment. "What is your name sir".

His hand lifts my chin again his stern face and eyes pierced into me.

"Harry and drop the sir, it's too formal darling"

"Sorry sir- I mean Harry" he nods to my answer like i've finally spoken the way he wanted me too.

He releases my chin and take a large drink from his glass not even a flicker of a wince as the amber liquid goes down. His eyes still staring at me while I try to do anything to avoid eye contact.

Chucking lightly he says "Oh I'm gonna like you" walking away placing his glass down on the bar not looking back as he disappears into the crowd.

I'm left dumbfounded and confused but I need to find James. I walk around the grand room in search of him when an arm grasps my waist and a mouth comes close to my ear. The scent of vanilla fills my nose, and I jump with fright.

"Ill see you around darling Morrigan"

an: what we thinking?

Harry has made an entrance!

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love you all
kt xoxo

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