Chapter 1

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"What are we doing for your 21st tomorrow " ? I ask Kind as she picking an outfit. Which by the way takes forever. Every Single Time.

"Us three are going to the club. Duh". Me and Isabel just laugh. Out of us three Kind definitely is the wild one & the one that gets in trouble the most.

Here's a layout of our group.

Us girls me, Isabel & Kind are all best friends & our boyfriends Stephan, Carter & Saint are also all best friends. We've all been close and a group since school. I love them all. Only bad thing is our boyfriends are all doms. Tuff ones.

Personally they are too damn strict but they don't care. Kind gets in trouble with Saint all the damn time & she doesn't care. That's what I love about her, she has no filter.

Isabel on the other hand is the complete opposite. She's so nice and lowkey innocent. She follows the rules way more than me and kind. I see why though, Carter can be really scary.

Then there me, Dakota. I'm a mix between Kind & Isabel, when it comes to behavior & personality. Stephan can make me crack with just one look, but we're older now and not in high school.

It might be time to act out a little, or more like do what I want.

As a 22 year old WOMAN should. ;)

"Have you asked Saint". Isabel asks.

"No and im not going to. I'm gonna be 21 damnit, im going wether he wants me too or not". That's the spirit.

"As you should. Guys we're all adults and they need to give us some more freedom. We aren't 17 anymore". I announce and Isabel smiles.

"Yea you guys are right". She lying her ass off. She's scared of what Carter will do, hell we all are.

Our boyfriends are scary as hell when they're mad, but we love them.

"Good. Now that we've established we're going out tomorrow I need shoes to wear".

"Actually I just designed 2 new pairs, so you guys can test them out tomorrow for the club". They smile and get all excited.

"Yay. Your the best shoe designer ever. Since you got our shoes I got out outfits". That worries me.

Don't get me wrong I love showing skin, but with kind id be surprised if I didn't show up to the club naked.

"Don't worry". She reads my mind & I laugh.

"Ouu can i do y'all's makeup"? Isabel asks.

Isabel runs her makeup company and Kind runs her fashion company. While I run my shoe company. They are all worth millions, guess you can say we really won in life.

"Of course just remember natural". She smiles and gets excited.

Me and Kind laugh at her.

Me and Kind like natural makeup or none at all, Isabel on the other hand loves the shit. She doesn't even need it because she's beautiful without it. If that makes her happy though then so be it. I'll forever support her.

"Okay well i gotta go home before Stephan kills me". I get up and grab my purse, Isabel follows suit.

"Me too, not trying to start with Carter today". I laugh at how we all wanna get home before we get in trouble. God we need help. LOL.

"Okay bye bitches, I love you guys". We group hug & me and Isabel make our way to our cars.

We then go our separate ways.

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