Chapter 35

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"Thank you for coming, i know it's 3 am, and i know you were trying to get some sleep so sorry". I apologize to Dakotas dad for waking him up in the middle of the night and telling him to come to the hospital.

I asked him to come because i have a very important question to ask him, and doing it over the phone would have been wrong.

Maybe i could've waited until he was back up here and at a reasonable hour, but i couldn't wait.

"It's okay, if were being honest i wasn't getting much sleep anyway. So what is it that you needed, and it couldn't wait till morning". Dakotas dad asked.

Shit now i'm nervous, i just need to go for it.

As i look at Dakota in the bed, she unwillingly gives me the confidence to speak to her dad and just ask him the most important question in my life.

"I love your daughter with everything in me. She was there for me whenever i needed her, and even when i pushed her away she fought for me. She risked her life for my sister, and i'll never find another girl that loves me like she does. And hell i don't even know if she'd marry me and forgive me after what i put her through, but i don't care. I'm gonna ask you anyways". All my nerves go away as Dakotas dad smirks at me in happiness.

"So Mr.Sims, can i have your blessing to marry your daughter. I promise i will never let anything happen to her again. Please". This is the only time i would ever beg anyone, and for Dakota i'd do it again.

Daniel, Dakotas dad just stands there smiling at me but not responding.

But i also see that as a good sign.

Smiling is always a good sign, right?

"Yes". I hear a faint yes, but Daniels mouth didn't move. So who said it?

Shit! Dakota!

Me and Daniel both rush to turn our heads to her and there she is.

She's awake.

She took off her oxygen so she could speak.

"Dakota no, you need it to help you breath, your body isn't strong enough. Put it back on". I put it back on her.

"I'll go get the nurse". Daniel rushes to go get a nurse and Dakota fights with the oxygen.

"No-No, let me talk". Her faint voice and breaths as she tries to talk. I decide to let her speak because she is adamant.

"I love you, and i wanna marry you too". My eyes get a slight wide and shocking smile appears on my face. She heard me?

"You heard me". I ask in curiosity, even though now it's clearly obvious.

"Mhm and i forgive you. And i'm sorry too". She gives a clam but weak smile.

"No you don't need to apologize, you've done enough of it. And i should've accepted it a long time ago. I let my ego get in the way of my heart, and i won't do it again. I promise to love you forever, no matter what you do. So now that your formally awake". I pause as a tear comes down her face and i wipe it.

"Dakota Athena Sims, will you do the greatest honor and marry me, because there is no one else i wanna spend my life with than you. It always been you, and i want it to always be you". More tears stream down her face and i cup her face to comfort her.

"Yes-a thousand times yes". She breaths and she takes all her energy to smash her lips on mine.

And i happily return her kiss. The kiss i yearned for, for 6 miserable long months.

And know that i have it back, im never letting it go.

"Congratulations". We look up and it's Dakotas dad with Doctor Grace.

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