Chapter 23

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Dinner at my moms was amazing, i got to spend time with everyone before i had to leave.

The girls even came back to help me pack which i appreciated. I'm gonna miss them so much, they keep me whole.

But i couldn't shake the feeling of leaving and not telling Lyric, Stephan's sister. We are like best friends and leaving without telling her would be wrong.

On the other hand i'm pretty sure she or Stephan's parents don't know we broke up. But i still have the hope we'll get back together, so i don't wanna tell them.

Unless Stephan already did, but he won't speak to me so i don't know.

But i'm about to find out because i'm at their doorstep. I ring the doorbell and wait for an answer.

Stephan's mom Scarlett answers the door and her face tells it all. She knows. Shit.

"Stephan's not here Dakota, and i can't blame him if he's ignoring you". Woah okay.

"Scarlett i'm really sorry, but i didn't cheat on your son. I lied and i shouldn't have but..." She cuts me off.

"Dakota sweetie it's not my business but i stand by my son". As she pauses Lyric, Stephan's sister comes to the door.

"Mom why are you even talking to her, she's a cheater". Lyric then turns to talk to me.

"You know Dakota i thought you and my brother were forever. I always wanted a sister and i thought you were it. I looked up to you Dakota and i envied what you and my brother had. But now i'm glad we really got to find the real you. I never wanna speak to you again". A tear comes down my face as her words flood out.

That hurt a lot because Lyric truly was like s sister to me, and loosing that hurts my heart.

Lyric storms off leaving me and her mother.

"Look sweetie i will always have love for you, but like i said my son and his feelings come first. I'm sorry". She closes the door and i'm left with my tears. I knew they were gonna be upset but not like this.

Not only did i loose the love of my life, i lost two more of people that i love.

I know that i hurt Stephan but i think everyone's overreacting. I know i shouldn't have lied to him about Zayn, and i can see why he's upset. On the other hand i didnt do anything that bad, and honestly i could've done worse.

But i understand that bottom line is i shouldn't have lied.

Anyways guess i should just leave, standing here in front of there door won't do me any good.

Plus the jet leaves soon and i have to go to the airport.

Everyone is meeting me there to say goodbye and hopefully Stephan will come. In my heart i know he won't but i hope he will.

After arriving at the airport, i get out of the car to see everyone waiting for me by the jet Valentino sent.

I get out and the driver brings my bags out, handing them to the ramper whom then loads them into the plan.

I on the other hand go to my family and friends.
First i go to my parents and brother who look proud. Good cause i feel like i might cry a little bit.

"You all ready to go sweetie". My dad says.

"Yea, just a little nervous. Do you think i'm making the right decision by going". I ask my dad because everything i know about business, i learned from him.

He was my teacher. My guider.

"Dakota you've worked extremely hard to make your business successful, and you've accomplished that. And going to Paris for a few months will do nothing but boost you and your business further. This is an opportunity that you must take advantage of, just remember that". My dad gives me a hug as i take in his words.

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