Chapter 3

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I called Saint to see what was going on with Kinds birthday club party shit. And I wanted Dakota to listen to it.

It's not that I don't trust her but when it comes to this partying shit, she goes overboard. Dakota thinks just because she's 21 she can do whatever.

Number 1 she can't handle her liquor. Fucking lightweight. Number 2 when she parties she parties hard & ends up hammered. Number 3 when I let her go out she doesn't listen to my rules. Then she wanders why I say no.

Phone call between Saint, Stephan & Dakota

Stephan:What's up bro?
Saint:You know just dealing with Kinds ass.
Stephan:Know the feeling, anyways what's going on with Kinds birthday tomorrow. Dakota came home talking about them going to some club or some shit.
Saint:She wants to but with the way they act hell fucking no. Since it is her 21st I'm letting her go & but she has to be home at 12 no later. I don't have a limit for the drinks since it's her 21, it's not like she'll listen to me anyways.
Stephan:Alright I'll talk to you tomorrow, imma talk to Dakota about it.
Saint:Ight bro, night.

Conversation OVER

"Are you gonna let me go". Dakota politely asks me with a smile.

Her smile is cute.

"Are you gonna listen to my rules". Once I say she her face looks annoyed, but she knows if she wants to go, she has to agree.

"What rules".

"12 is late to come home, so im gonna ask Saint if you can just stay there. Another rule it's Kinds 21st not yours, he might not have drinking limit for her but i do. 3 drinks no more. Your a light weight so you don't need that many anyways. Understood". She thinks about it for a second then agrees.

"Yes sir". She smiles but I know she's not gonna listen to me. She'll have way more than 3 drinks. But it will be her punishment not mine.

"I'm being serious Dakota ".

"I said okay Stephan". I still don't believe her but I'm done for tonight.

"Mhm". I reach over her to grab my toothbrush & start brushing my teeth. Dakota just watches me.
She always waits for me to brush my teeth so we can go to bed together. It's cute.

I smile to myself.

"Whats funny". She asks wandering why I'm smiling. I shake my head and finish.

I grab her hand and lead us to our bed.

"Are you mad at me". Dakota asks as we lay down in the bed.

"Why would i be mad". Personally I don't think I'm acting mad.

"I don't know". She looks down at the cover.

"My eyes are up here". She lifts her eyes to mine, but she still doesn't say anything.

"If you don't know why I would be mad, then you shouldn't ask that question. I'm not mad at you Dakota, okay". I don't want her to feel like that.

"Okay". She smiles at me & I pull her to me.

"I love you". Her smile gets even bigger & she leans in to kiss me. I obviously kiss her gorgeous ass back.

"I love you". She says as she pulls back & lays her head on my chest.

Silence takes over as she falls asleep on me.

I woke up so excited for today, it's my best friends birthday.

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