Chapter 30

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I wake up in an unfamiliar bed, with a pounding headache. I'm never drinking again, ugh.

Wait! Where am i?

I look around trying to figure out where i am. I've definitely never been here before, and i'm in an oversized white t-shirt.

Last thing i remember is me leaving Stephan's birthday dinner in tears, gosh i wish i forgot that instead of how i ended up here.

I'm not the type of girl to just go home with a random stranger. And one night stands definitely aren't my thing, so i'm very curious to know who's house i'm at.

I decide to get up and go downstairs to see if anyone is down there.

I tip toe not trynna to be loud, you know just in case i went home with a serial killer. As i'm on the last step i smell food, so i head towards the kitchen to where someone might be.

When i get to the kitchen i find Stephan, cooking.

What the heck is going? Is this his house? How did i get here?

"How's your hangover". I snap out of my thoughts and look towards Stephan who's putting food on plates.

"What am i doing here". I immediately ask the question because i have no clue what happened. Last time i checked Stephan and i were not cool, and i'm just so confused.

"This is why i put you on a drinking limit when you go out, you can't even remember what happened last night. And that's a problem". Is he really trying to lecture me right now?

I have the biggest headache and you can add memory loss to that, so i have no energy for this.

"You didn't answer my question".

"And you shouldn't get black out drunk ether. Sit down and eat". What is his problem.

I just stand there looking so confused.

"Sit. Now". He demands and i just continue to stand there. We are not cool right now, so why would i sit and eat with him. I just wanna go back to sleep.

Since i don't go sit by him, he starts to get up. So that was my cue to go sit down before i get in trouble.

"Thought so". I roll my eyes and he didn't see, it at least i hope he didn't.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened last night". I ask picking around with my food.

"I shouldn't because you should remember on your own, but since i'm not an asshole i will". He's such a hypocrite, he's one of the biggest assholes i know.

"So here's what happened last night".

Flashback To Last Night..

After walking away from Stephan it started to rain, so i just went into the first place i saw.

Thankfully it was a bar.

All i wanted to do is get drunk and drown myself.

The bar was pretty crowded and it took forever to find a open seat at the bar, but after i wave the bartender down.

"What can i get ya". She asks.

"Something strong. Very strong". She laughs and starts to make my drink.

The bartender then returns with my drink and i guzzle it down. It was gross but i don't care. It was strong which is what i needed.

"Bad day". The bartender looks genuinely interested.

"You don't know the half, just keep these drinks coming". I slide her a $100 and she asks no questions. No one says no to money, not in this world.

As i'm at the bar a few guys try to hit on me, but i brush them off. Then as i drowned myself in more drinks i decide to let loose.

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