Chapter 9

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"You think Derek's gonna be mad I didn't get him a real present". Stephan laughs as we're driving to my parents place.

"I mean you got him $1000 dollars, I think he'll be good". My parents are pretty wealthy so Derek has a lot. My parents don't spoil him though, they want him to learn responsibility.

My parents don't give him money whenever he asks, so why not spoil him just a tad. I mean it is his birthday.

"You think my parents will be mad".

"Baby it's not there money, who cares". I mean I guess he's right, it's not like it came it there pocket.

"Ouu, Lyrics gonna love her gift. It's so exclusive, not one has it yet". Stephan laughs and I don't get what's funny.

"Well i hope it's exclusive since you haven't released the show yet".

"Since you wanna laugh about my gifts, what you get them". Stephan sucks at getting gifts, most of the time he just has his assistant get them.

"I got them both the same thing". I look at him like he's crazy. How are you gonna get a boy and girl the exact same thing.

"Whatever Stephan". He laughs at my annoyance & we pull up to my parents house.

"Why are we always that last people here"

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"Why are we always that last people here".

"Because you always take forever to get ready, i tell you we need to get going & you catch an attitude. Which by the way you needa stop doing". Is he for real.

"Don't blame it on me, maybe you just drive slow".

"You get mad when I drive fast & slow, so am I the problem or you". He smirks. Dumbass.

"Well whatever". I get out the car and grab my gift for both my brother and Lyric.

I hear Stephan laugh behind me. I decided I'm
Not gonna argue today, it's a good day and my little brother finally is gonna be out of the teenager stage.

When I get to the door I don't knock because he'll this is my parents house. I don't need to knock. Stephan always says I should though.

"Why do you never knock". Told you.

"Because Stephan this is my parents house, hell i used to live here".

"It doesn't matter Dakota, it's a form of respect". Ugh whatever, like I said not arguing today.

So I just ignore him.

"Finally my baby is here". My mom sees us first and rushes to me. She is so dramatic, I love it.

"Yea sorry for being late, Stephan drives a bit slow". I smirk at him knowing he won't do anything to me right now. Not in front of our parents. I might regret that later.

"Oh hush, and my other baby Stephan. Come here". My parents relationship with Stephan is really good and im thankful for that.

I'm glad we get along with each other's parents.

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