Chapter 19

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"Stephan what are you doing here". Dakota jumps up frantic.

Is she being fucking serious? Out off all things that's what she says?

"Are you being serious Dakota? Who the fuck is this". I ask looking at the guy next to her.

Guess that fucker Kylo was right, who woulda thought?

"I promise you it's not what it looks like, he's just a friend. He was actually just leaving".

"No i wasn't, we was in the middle of a conversation". The "guy" speaks up and i wanna just punch him.

"Zayn, please just go". Zayn huh?

"Please". She pleads him again.

"I'll call you later, and pick up when i do". I'm so mad i don't even respond to his comment.

But i do notice Dakota shake her head in agreement with his request, and her nerve to do it right in front of me. Like what the fuck!

When he walks out Dakota comes towards me trying to touch me.

"Don't". I respond backing away from her.

"I swear Stephan it's not what it looks like. We were just talking". Talking my ass.

"Do you always fucking talk to people that close huh". I yell.

She looks like she's gonna cry because i'm yelling at her, but right now i don't give a fuck. This isn't about her feelings right now, it's about mine.

"How do you know Zayn". She looks down when i ask her this and doesn't answer my question.

"Dakota answer my fucking question". I repeat demanding an answer.

"He-he's my ex. He was my first, first everything". A tear comes down her face as she stumbles upon her words.

"Tell me the full story. Now". I wanna know every thing. I don't have time for the bullshit.

The fuck is she even doing talking to him, "her first". What the fuck!

"Why does it matter".

"Because. You been fucking screwing around with him".

"No i haven't". She defended.

"Oh really? THEN WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE DOING HERE". I yell because she's not giving me the answers i want.

"Cause he wanted me back but i told him no". Wants her back? No fucking way he just came up here today out of the blue to get her back.

Let's be for real.

"I said i wanted the full story".

"The night at the skating rink he was there. That's why i was gone when you got back to the table, he wanted to talk and i didn't want you to see him. He told me he wanted me back but i told him no. The next day he came to my office and wanted to have lunch, once again i said no but he didn't give me much choice. He took me to his penthouse and we had lunch and um he". As she starts to explain the full story i can feel myself get madder at the second, after each word.

Then Dakota stops mid sentence and looks more worried then before.

"Then he what". I urge her to finish the story and she looks up at me with wide, teary eyes.

"Dakota". I say warning her to finish.

"He pinned me up against the wall and he was telling me to leave you. But i swear nothing happened".

"Did you push him away, immediately when he got you pinned to the wall". I ask the question knowing her answer would be no.

"Nothing happened Stephan. I told him no and he took me back, i swear".

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