Chapter 25

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It's the morning after my show and it was amazing. I couldn't ask for a better show, everything was so amazing and perfect.

Definitely a success.

Carter, Saint, Isabel, Kind and i all went out to dinner and talked. I didn't ask about Stephan because i didn't wanna put them in an awkward position.

Plus i've contained myself for five months, what's one more day.

Today is the day i finally can go home and see him, so i'm happy.

Grant you thing might be weird at first, but i know he missed me. How could he not, i mean i gave him plenty of time to get his thoughts together.

Hopefully he realizes that he needs me in his life, as i do him.

Right now i'm saying my goodbyes to Maybelle, who drove me to the airport where Valentinos jet is talking all of us home.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Maybelle". I hug her tight. She's become like a grandma to be who is always there for you.

"I will miss you too sweetie, but you have my number so don't be afraid to call it". I look back at her and i could cry.

Shit i do start to cry a little.

"Oh dear". Maybelle wipes my tears as she holds me.

"Dear you will be fine, i promise you". She tries to comfort me.

"Im so scared that things won't be the way i envisioned. The way i need it to be".

"And maybe it won't be but if it isn't, don't give up. If that young man doesn't see who you are then you find someone who will. Or maybe being alone wouldn't be so bad. You would get to focus on yourself, and learning to be alone. But above all else if it doesn't go your way, you will be okay. And i believe you will get your happy ever after".

I'm definitely gonna try to take Maybelle advice but it's not looking good.

Maybelle gives me one more tight hug before i leave.

"Thank you Maybelle". Without her i definitely could get through being in Pairs.

"Your most welcome dear, now go home". I laugh and i board the plane where everyone is waiting.

"Finally bitch, we're ready to go home". Kind jokes and i sit down next to Saint and put my seatbelt on.

"Ready to go home". Saint says while i try to regroup my face from my goodbyes with Maybelle.

To answer his question all i do is nod my head.

"I'm sure you've learned that a headnod isn't an answer". Of course.

"Yes Saint i'm excited and ready to go home". I give him sass.

"Please watch yourself Dakota, and you wanna tell me the truth. What's wrong Dakota, you should be jumping off the walls". He's right.

I should be happy and i am, but i'm nervous.

"I just want things to be okay. You know with Stephan". Saint doesn't say anything but look away from me.

He knows something about Stephan, and he's not telling me.

"What aren't you telling me Saint". Saint doesn't lie to me, but he doesn't let me know information until he's ready.

Which technically is a form of lying.

"It's not my place Dakota, you'll find out soon enough". I'll find out soon enough?

"And what the fuck does that mean". I yell and Saint looks at me with those eyes.

And so does everyone else as i yelled and got the attention on me.

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