Chapter 29

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Saint left and let me get dressed.

When we went to hibachi we always dressed up, for fun. But i'm not this time, this time is different.

So i'm gonna go more causal, especially if i have to leave.

So i'm gonna go more causal, especially if i have to leave

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I chose an open back black long-sleeve and jeans. It's simple but cute.

I took an uber to the restaurant, just in case i wanna drown myself in drinks to calm my nerves.

Because right now i've never been more nervous to see Stephan. To make matters worse Ila is gonna be there, and i don't even know what i'm gonna say to him.

Ugh this sucks so bad.

Anyways the uber drops me off, and i tip him then get out.

I stand infront of the door waiting to go in. Rethinking my decision if i should even go in? If i should just turn around and go home?

Suddenly, an old couple walks out and the man holds the door open for me. Shit now i really have to go in.

I smile at thank the old man.

We've been going to the same hibachi spot forever, so they know me and just let me through.

We also always sit at the same table, so i know my way.

Once i turn the corner the tables eyes go to me.  


"Funny seeing you here bestie". Kind says and i smile at her.

"Yea i was in the neighborhood". In the neighborhood, how fucking corny was that.

"What are you doing here Dakota". Stephan says
looking irritated with me. Of course he's mad, he always is.

"I was around". I stand my ground, i can't let him see me weak. Not right now. Not in front of her.

I take the only empty seat in between Saint and Stephan.

Lucky me.

Stephan stands up "Outside". He demands me but i stay seated.

"Dakota Now". He demands again, but i still stay seated. You can see him get more mad, especially since i'm not listening to him. And having people around is pushing his buttons even more.

I was nervous, but i actually feel less nervous. It's weird cause that should be the opposite right now.

Stephan waits no longer for me too get up, instead he pulls my arm out of the chair which makes me yank up.

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