Chapter 34

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Pain is all i saw, all i felt as i saw the love of my life, lifeless in my arms. The feeling that i never thought i'd even ever feel in my life. The type of pain that will break a person into a million pieces.

She risked her life trying to save my sister, and that is the love she carried inside of her. She is nothing but a pure soul that will literally die for anyone she loves, and tonight she proved that.

My thoughts race as i sit inside the hospital waiting room, quiet. Waiting for the most important answer of my life.

Did she make it?

Right after Dakota closed her eyes, the ambulance was coming through the door. They were able to keep her stable and rush her to the hospital.

But during the ride to the hospital, it was hard due to the fact we were in the fucking woods.

Right before they made it to the hospital, she went out again, and so forth the doctors took her straight to surgery. And so on we've been waiting here for someone to tell us something.

It's been fucking hours and i'm sick of wishing, and waiting. I need to know if she's okay.

"Steph". Lyric yells.

"What the fuck Lyric, why are you yelling", Im sitting right fucking here, and obviously not in the mood to chit chat.

"Sorry, but i called your name 3 times and you didn't answer. I just wanna make sure your okay".

"No, lyric im not okay".

"Stephan stop it, your sister is trying to comfort you". My dad says and right before i'm about to tell him off my mother stops me.

"Stephan No. I know your hurting and so is everyone else, but we are all here waiting. Dakotas parents and friends are over there upset so you better not cause a scene. Save it for later, what is wrong with you boys". My mom censures and gets up to leave.

She's only saying this because she's hurt.

The last time she saw Dakota was when Dakota came to her house, and my mom wasn't happy with her because of our breakup. My mom definitely regrets their last talk, and she will be even more hurt if that was they're last.

We are all hurting.

Carter, Stephan, Isabel, Kind, Laya, Derek, Lyric, My parents, Dakotas Parents & I are all waiting for Dakota.

We all need her to wake up, she's apart of us all, and imagining my life without her is miserable. Hell them five months without her while she was in Paris was miserable, and that was on me.

I could've been had her back and in my arms, but i let my ego get in the way, and now look. I may never get to see her alive again.

"Sims". A doctor comes out and we all rush up.

"Please tell me my daughter is alive, please". Dakotas mom says as tears and worry surround her face.

"We were able to retrieve the bullet, and she's stable for now". For now?

"What the fuck does for now mean". Derek chimes.

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