Chapter 12

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"Hi, everything okay" . I'm wondering what he wants.

"Yes everything's fine, I just wanted to go over a few things for the release party". I nod my head in agreement.

For my new shoe I'm having a release party. Kylo is helping me plan it, which I appreciate. I haven't told Stephan that because he'll be mad, but he knows I work with Kylo so who cares.

Me and Kylo go over things and then he leaves.

I decided I'm gonna leave for today, and perk of being your own boss you can do that.

So I drive myself home, and once I enter our home the smell of food hits my nose. Yum.

By following the smell to the kitchen I see Stephan.

"Hi". He turns to look at me.

"Hi baby, how was work". I'm surprised he's not mad at me for hanging up on him. Oh well.

"Good, so what smells so good".

"Chicken and rice, sit". Stephan is a good cook & thank god because I can't cook. Not if my life depended on it.

Stephan sets a plate infront of me, this shit looks so good.

"Thank you".

"Your welcome baby, now eat". He definitely didn't have to tell me twice. I actually was so hungry.

We made small talk during our dinner.

After we're done I help Stephan clean up.

"Want dessert". Stephan says smirking while standing at the fridge.

"No, I'm actually full". I'm trynna understand why he's smirking.

"That's too bad, because we're eating some anyways". He says pulling out a pint of vanilla ice cream & im confused. Didn't I just say no? And why is he forcing it?

Something is definitely up.

Stephan walks to me and picks me up sitting me on the counter. I gasp in surprise.

"Stephan". I say wanting to know what's going on.

"Quiet". He demands and I listen.


Stephan then kisses me hungrily taking my straps off my shoulders, kissing my necks then moving down towards my shoulders.

Then he stops and looks at me.

Stephan opens the drawer next to us, takes out a spoon, opens the ice cream and throwing the lid on the floor.

He picks up the ice cream and trails it from my upper inner thigh all the way down to my ankle.

Considering I was wearing a dress he had easy access.

The ice cream is cold so I flitch and move a bit, which Stephan doesn't like.

"Sit still".

He starts licking me from my ankle up to my thigh. He is going slow though. Then it hits me. This is my punishment for hanging up on him. Fuck.

"Stephan". I moan.

"I said hush". Ugh. Fuck me.

Stephan then pushes my dress all the way up, leaving my pussy exposed. Didn't want my panty lines showing, and now I regret not wearing any.

Stephan smirks and faces my heat. He puts his tongue in it and swirls it around, making me go absolutely crazy.

"Ahh". It's hard to be quiet when he's torturing me. Stephan then stops and I whine.

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