Chapter 18

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As i'm backed up against Zayn's wall he just holds me there. Why is he playing these games with me.

"Just stop telling me what you think i wanna hear. I have a boyfriend, how many times do i have to tell you that? If you really cared about me and my happiness you'd stop playing these games with me". I stand my ground even though it's hard.

I just don't wanna hurt Stephan, he doesn't deserve it.

"No. If i really cared about you i'd fight for you. I'd stay and fight for you, like i should've done years ago. That was my mistake leaving you but i won't make it twice. You may deny all you want, but you know you still love me and want me back. Your just too much in your emotions for Stephan to realize it. You don't wanna hurt him by coming back to me, but leading him on will do the same thing".

I just stand there looking at him as he holds me still. He should've just stayed wherever he was, he shouldn't have came back. This is just screwing with my feelings, mind and life.

"I'll take you back to your office, come". He lets me go and grabs my hand leading me out with him. My dumb self doesn't let go ether.

What is happening to me? What am i gonna tell Stephan? Ugh i need help. Major help.

We sit in silence the whole car ride back to my office. It's so awkward and weird.

Zayn pulls into my office's garage.

"I do love you Dakota". I really wished he'd stop saying that.

"I love Stephan Zayn, i can't hurt him".

"I know you feel that way right now, but you won't always. Denying what you feel for me won't help you".  I also wished he'd stop saying that too. Like why is he trying to tell me what i feel.

"Zayn how can you tell me what i feel?".

"Because i know you, i know how you work. Don't forget before Stephan i had your mind and body. I know what you need in life, in a partner. I'll give you time though. See you soon Dako". With that i hear the door click unlocked and i rush out.

I felt like i've been holding in a breath ever since i got in that car.

I then rush back into my building and go up the elevator to my office. I rush right past Laya even though she was trying to tell me something.

I'll apologize to her later, right now i just cannot. I need time to think.

After rushing into my office and closing the door, i slide down it and sit on the floor.

"Bad day". I lift my head in surprise, and what i see isn't expected.

Stephan sits in my chair with his feet on my desk. Talk about making yourself at home.

I'm actually happy to see him, i could use some comfort right now. So i rush to Stephan and give him a hug. He pulls me down on him and lets me sit on him.

"What's wrong baby". I can't tell him. I know i need to, but i can't.

"Just having a really bad day". I'm such a bad liar, and i know he's gonna make me tell him a better reason than that.

"Dakota im serious, what's wrong". I'm not telling him today, but i need to tell him something. Just to get him off my back.

"I told Kylo i'd go to lunch with him, and i didn't want you to be mad". I blurt out the first thing that came to mind.

If i do say so myself it was a pretty great thing to say.

"Dakota we already spoke about this, your not gonna have lunch with him. On the other hand, i don't want you to be that stressed out about how mad you think i'm gonna get. That's not healthy so just chill out". Thank god he fell for it.

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