Chapter 7

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"Not to much sparkle, it will over power the whole shoe then it would be purposeless".

"I agree, with you Ms.Sims". My team agrees. Good because it's my decision.

"Good well that's it for today, thank you guys". I get up out my chair and go to my office.

Being a boss is so hard, i don't mind telling people what to do but im not a dominant person

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Being a boss is so hard, i don't mind telling people what to do but im not a dominant person.

Stephan has no problem doing it and I don't see how. I feel like some people take me as a joke at work and hell im CEO. I don't have that dominant trait and i need to get it.

Maybe i should Stephan for help, and then maybe that would lead into the conversation we need to have.

As I'm thinking i get a knock on my office door.

What is it now?

"Yes". I allow them to enter and it's Kind. Yay.

"Why so bitchy". I laugh at her comment.

I haven't seen Kind or Isabel in about a week, because it was part of our punishments.

They said we couldn't see each other, and they didn't say for how long. So I'm very curious to know how she's here.

"How'd you get here". I ask her.

"Took a break from work to come see my baby, I saw Isabel yesterday so your turns today". Kind is literally the best person ever.

"Well im glad".

"What's wrong with you, you seem stressed". Well i am.

"Is it hard being a boss, like do you feel like you need to be dominant". Kinds a boss and so is Isabel, so maybe they have some advice.

"Sometimes it's hard because 1st we are women, secondly you have to show people that your not afraid to fire them. If they don't take you seriously fire them babes, then that will show them". That's actually a good idea, it will show them that im as badass as i know.

"And about that dominant trait, you have it babes trust". I smile at her and then her phone rings.

"Ugh it's Saint, well our chit chat is over. See you later babes, remember what i said. Love you". She blows me a kiss and rushes out. I love that crazy ass girl.

Kinds right i do have what it takes, im the boss here.

Another knock then comes to my door, i allow them to enter.

"Hi Dakota". Kylo walks in, Kylo is my head of HR.

"Hey what's up". Kylo is a nice guy, just a bit aggressive when it comes to women. He is such a man whore. Stephan doesn't like him at all but this isn't Stephan's business, this is the one thing he doesn't have a say in.

"Just wanted to check and see how you think the meeting went".

"I think it went good, you". Not that his opinion really matters, but it's respectful to ask.

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